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iPhone 4 4.3.3 & 4.10.01 issues


New Member
Jun 10, 2011
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Hi guys,

I recently bought a Gevey Turbo Sim from ebay which explicitly said that it was able to unlock an iPhone 4 with firmware 4.3.3 and baseband 4.10.01.
However, I'm having the following issue:
When the gevey sim tray and non-at&t sim card are inserted, the iphone 4 tells me that a different sim card has been detected. I receive a (blank) welcome screen, after which I click accept, then dial 112. I then get thrown into the phone's menu, however once I activate airplane mode I get thrown back into emergency mode with the phone telling me that I need to connect it to iTunes.
Is there something that I am not doing correctly? All of the videos I've seen never even mention the "connect to itunes" notifications.
