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Mar 17, 2020
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Hello, I have had an iPhone 11 for about two months now. I was watching you tube and the screen randomly went black and wouldn't turn on. I tried to restart it by holding the lock button and the upper volume button, i tried force restarting it many time by pressing the up then down volume and then holding the lock button, i left in on a charger for two hours and got nothing, and i plugged the phone in to a laptop with iTunes and NOTHING has happened. I just purchased this phone brand new and don't understand why this happened. Does anyone have advice or similar stories?
Welcome to iPhone Forums!

You’ve already tried almost everything that can be done. One more suggestion: use DFU mode to restore your device.
Here are the instructions:
How To Put An iPhone In DFU Mode, The Apple Way

If that doesn’t help with your problem, you’ll have to contact Apple support.

Sadly this didn't work, i did call apple support and they are having me mail it in to be fixed, thank you for the help!