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IPad Air or MacBook Air


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Jun 8, 2014
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Looking for a new device and undecided between iPad Air and MacBook Air. I've inly recently gotten the Apple bug(2years now) and I currently have the iphone 5C

Looking my new device for school work, I'm a teacher, for example, some document making and editing, programming work using Java and presenting PowerPoints etc.

Maybe some electronic register taking and having an electronic diary etc.

Anybody in the same line of work and could help me out which would beat suit my needs.

I must mention I do have a windows pc at work however would like one of the two above so that I can do work at home.

Thanks for help
Hmmm...not sure about programming work on Java on an iPad Air, since I don't program....but everything which you have mentioned can be done easily on an iPad. If you are looking at real portability and light carry on, the iPad is the way to go. I own both an IPad 2 and and an Mac Book Air (13inch) and love both of them. My Mac usually sits on my desk at home, whereas my iPad goes everywhere around the house/travel.
Hmmm...not sure about programming work on Java on an iPad Air, since I don't program....but everything which you have mentioned can be done easily on an iPad. If you are looking at real portability and light carry on, the iPad is the way to go. I own both an IPad 2 and and an Mac Book Air (13inch) and love both of them. My Mac usually sits on my desk at home, whereas my iPad goes everywhere around the house/travel.

Hi mate

Thank you for the reply. I sooooo unsure of what to buy. I do like the portability aspect of the ipad however do like the traditional laptop to get some work done. Couldn't really justify buying both to be honest. So I'm still in a pickle.

Gona have a good think over the weekend and decide.

Do ya think there's gona be a new iPad Air soon??
Hi mate

Thank you for the reply. I sooooo unsure of what to buy. I do like the portability aspect of the ipad however do like the traditional laptop to get some work done. Couldn't really justify buying both to be honest. So I'm still in a pickle.

Gona have a good think over the weekend and decide.

Do ya think there's gona be a new iPad Air soon??

Hi I CD3267-

Apple usually does it's new Release Announcements for iPads in October if I recall correctly. So if you aren't in a rush, it may be worth waiting until than for your options. For me, my first purchase was an iPad and it changed everything for me. I drank the kool-aid and was hooked since.

I can tell you that I did have a short time adjustment when I bought my MBA. I bought it a year ago and had to learn Apple's operating system (Mountain Lion). It didn't take me long to learn how to do it all. Ended up getting "Pages" for both my iPad and my Mac. I also downloaded OpenOffice on my Mac too, for the rare need to create docs in word format to resend back to work. I've used both devices to present Golf Fitness Clinics without any trouble. I have been able to join phone conferences online using open meeting without difficulty. (((Sigh))) the list goes on! :)

Good luck and keep us posted what you buy! :)
I have an iPad, MBP and a new MBA. If you are planning to do any kind of work I would suggest the MBA.
I have been running mine with Yosemite 10.10 for the past two months and it's awesome.