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How do I text to a RECENT call?


May 28, 2011
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I want to text to recent calls that are NOT in my contacts. How do I do this? Is there a texting App for that?
Press the blue arrow to the right of the number in the recent list. There is a message option in there...
Press the blue arrow to the right of the number in the recent list. There is a message option in there...

Thank you so very much...I was wondering how to do it and I was freaking out that it is not an option...LOL. I do a lot of texting to recent numbers that I do not want to add to my contacts.
One more texting question while I am at it :) I promise it is the last one.

Is there a way to text a saved message over and over to recent numbers rather than having to type it all the time. I know there are quick text apps, but they only allow you to text to numbers from your contacts and not from the recent menu.
Yea... Go to the person who's message u want to send... At the top to the right u will see an edit button... Press is an little bubble will now appear to the left of text messages... Choose the message u want to send and click the bubble... Now at the bottom u will see the option to delete or forward... Just forward the message u want... :)
Yea... Go to the person who's message u want to send... At the top to the right u will see an edit button... Press is an little bubble will now appear to the left of text messages... Choose the message u want to send and click the bubble... Now at the bottom u will see the option to delete or forward... Just forward the message u want... :)

I don't quite follow that. Can you post up screenshots?

I would just copy the message bubble that you sent the first person then paste it in each time. Hopefully you get adriantheguitarist method as it sounds like less work in the long run...
Notice the edit button on the upper right hand corner???

Press edit and the bubble on the left will show up...

Choose the message u want... Once u choose it look at the bottom of the screen... U can either choose to delete the message or forward... Choose forward...

After u choose forward... U will be taken to this screen... On upper right u will see the blue button with the cross... Press that to add the contacts u wish...

And as u can see... Just add the contacts u want!!! Voíle!!! U can send a saved message to multiple people... Lol... Plz excuse the conversation I was having with the other person... Lol...


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I've merged your posts.

Get you now. Never noticed the forward option. I've always used the copy and past method.

It won't work for nj1266 as they need to text people not in the contact list...
Yea... I only found it by accident lol... And thank u for merging the post... :) it's a great tool Gaz... Don't u think??? Makes messaging easier...