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Hide Spotlight Search from Springboard, but not disable


New Member
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score

I'm trying to find a way to do the following:
1) hide spotlight search from springboard but not disable
2) while in springboard, single press the home button to bring up spotlight search

Quite simply, I would like to hide the Spotlight Search page (far left) from Springboard, but I still want to be able to bring it up with the single press of the home button to use it.

I tried Spot Remover. It hides Spotlight from springboard. As an alternative, I used Activator to set up a "single home button click" to bring up Spotlight - it did not work.

Still looking for suggestions/solutions.

Your help is much appreciated
Off the top of my head I don't think there is a tweak out there that does this. I could be wrong.

I like the idea though. I feel an email coming on one of the authors : )