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HELP please


New Member
Jun 20, 2011
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hello why i was at work today i had my iphone in my pocket like i always do but wen i got it out to check a message i noticed i clear like gel substance around the eges of the inner screen near the bottom not much but i aint got a clue what it is and i havent been anywhere near any water ???

regards steve
Wait for some days see if it will go away. I can't understand why such a thing appear there anyway.
wierd!!! when i press on the screen it like moves about between the two parts ??
warranty run out at the start of the month :-(

So if it's not something really bad, leave it and use the phone like the way it is, if it really not confortable to use it, then look for an iPhone repair center or you can decide to change the screen of whatever by your self. But I advice you to go to apple and let them see it anyway, if you are lucky, then can fix it for you with less charge or even replace it for you in case you can prove that the phone never fall down or something. If they can't help you, at least you will know what caused such a thing inside the phone and then you will be more careful with the phone after fixing it.
iv just taken it apart to have a look it it was like a gel substance so cleaned it but after about ten minutes in noticed that ther was some more around the egde of the lcd i think the liquid is coming out of the lcd ??
You should of took it to apple. They may still of given it to you under warranty as a good will since its just ran out. Now that you've taken it apart they won't touch it.

If it was the LCD that was burst its usually an ink that comes out. I have no idea what the gel could be. My guess is do to with the screen but I don't know what...