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Hello from Tim


New Member
Jan 24, 2012
Reaction score
I need to see that a call came in without it displaying who it is.
I do not use vibrate or ring tones.
I need a dot or star or something to let me know a call is coming in or a voice message exist. Same with email and texting.
I do not want it to show the message and person on the screen.

Others can see it during meetings or any other private setting.

Thanks, Tim

By the way.
Try Tipit app for business or pleasure. Pretty cool way to keep track of things when traveling.
Welcome to the site. in your iPhone, go to setting> notifications/ there you will be able to setup your notifications for most of the apps installed in your iPhone including calls and sms. But for the calling, i'm sure if the stock iOS doesn't have those options you are looking for.
Welcome to the forum, Tim.... And to confirm what bab2010 wrote, no can do on the phone notification thing. I've tried EVERY setting on my non-jailbroken phone and it's just not there.
Thanks for the nice response. I wonder if I could get jailbreak to at least display or replace or cover over something other than the callers name and phone number when the calls, texts or emails come in? Some generic wallpaper or something like that just pops up on the screen in place of, or cover over the name coming in?
Any thoughts? I can't see any other reasons, at this time, that I would want to purchase Jailbreak, unless I could use it for this one issue that I have.
Thanks, Tim
Sorry Tim, but I can't help with any jail-breaking info. Perhaps there is a way, and I hope others chime in. Good luck!