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Hello from new member


New Member
Jun 6, 2011
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Greetings! I am a proud Verizon iPhone 4 user running 5.0.1. I am reading with interest about the development of an untethered jailbreak for 5.0.1. I've never attempted a jailbreak before and am thinking I should wait for an untethered version before attempting! I'm not very tech savvy. Looking forward to being on these forums and learning lots about how to use my device. Happy Thanksgiving!!
Hello and welcome to the forum.......If i were you i would wait for an untethered JB
From iCrank 2 U:​ Welcome to ipf.net, a leading forum dedicated to providing information, help and guidance to new and current users. Click Here To Introduce Yourself & Click here for Forum Rules

Moderation Notice: We have some threads dedicated to tricks that may help you become more familiar with your device. Tips & Tricks Page 1 & Tips & Tricks Page 2
