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Hand Off just won't work.......Edit....Now it does.


Staff member
Oct 4, 2011
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Well I thought I was doing well, with my iPhone 6, I had no issues at all, That is until tonight, I thought I would give Hand Off a try between my iphone 6 and iPad Air.
It just doesn't happen, I have googled it, I've done all the fixes suggested.
Tomorrow I will ring Apple for help if I don't crack it tonight.
Has anyone else had a problem with Hand Off?
I thought handoff wasnt going to work until iOS 8.1 or something. Like when Yosemite gets released...
As far as I know it's working now, just not for me.
It won't work on Mac until Yosemite but that doesn't affect IOS.
I looked on some other forums and some have it working, I'm puzzled as to why I cant, I've enabled everything.
WooHoo....I cracked it, The problem was that I needed to put my password into FaceTime on my iPhone 6, I never use it so I hadnt done it, Once I figured that out and entered it it works brilliantly.
Another fantastic Apple innovation.
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WooHoo....I cracked it, The problem was that I needed to put my password into FaceTime on my iPhone 6, I never use it so I hadnt done it, Once I figured that out and entered it it works brilliantly.
Another fantastic Apple innovation.
I found that out with my 5s, I had to have iPhone Cellular Calls in FaceTime turned on.
I found that out with my 5s, I had to have iPhone Cellular Calls in FaceTime turned on.
It was pretty frustrating for a while, I had Bluetooth turned on and so forth, All good now :)
Good to know, PI!!!:)
Like you....I don't use FaceTime..... but my wife does, and has been using Hand Off between her iPad2 and iPhone 5S with no issues!!
Since I'm not a big iPad user (even though I have one.....) Hand Off is kinda neat!!;)
Good to know, PI!!!:)
Like you....I don't use FaceTime..... but my wife does, and has been using Hand Off between her iPad2 and iPhone 5S with no issues!!
Since I'm not a big iPad user (even though I have one.....) Hand Off is kinda neat!!;)
Yes it is, I'm looking forward to using it on my Mac with Yosemite, I think thats where it will be most useful.