G2 iphone unlocked - new sim card change - need clarity

G2 iphone unlocked - new sim card change - need clarity


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Apr 21, 2011
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Hello Everyone!!

Ok ... The issue is this:
AT&T is forcing me to change my sim card to update. (attempt to control the customers/subscribers)

I have an older iphone. 8 gig hd. unlocked and jail broken. model:a1203 G2 I believe.

I have not updated anything as of yet and I still have and am using the old sim card. the end of the month everything will start to drop off the service. so I must act quickly ...

I spoke with an AT&T rep and she said the new sim cards are able to detect if you are using a smart phone. The iphone I have is unlocked and works fine with the old sim card (the phone works and texts work fine. wifi works fine too) ...

*The rep was not able to detect what device I was using. so Iam skeptic ... also she stated the use of non-smart phones(razr) would be ok,

** but if I put the sim back into the iphone I have, they would detect it and bill me for the data package without signing up for it.

*** My question is:

Will the new sim cards let AT&T know you are using an unregistered/unlocked iphone and do not subscribe to the data package as the rep stated?

I imagine since the rep works for AT&T they would be instructed to say that to discourage any attempt to bypass the data package. to sell the data package ....

basicly, Iam not concerned about traveling to the middle of nowhere and connecting to the web. I am ok using wifi.

any help or guidance to clarify this matter .... Iam most appreciative!

Thank You!!
hello and welcome to the forum! we have a member here who works for att hopefully he will be able to answer for you :)

it really does sound like they will be able to but wait for confirmation
ok .... eagerly awaiting I did put an updated sim card (a friends also at&t) into my iphone ... called the house phone twice while looking at his at&t online cell acct ... the phone picture "you are using" did not change. it still is recognizing the phone he was using ... and the phone call did not add to the call list online and a few minutes ago the acct was checked again.... still no call was made and no log on the site is recorded ......

still skeptic .......
A couple of years ago here in the uk I had a 3G unlocked to vodafone. At that time vodafone didn't even have the iphone officially. However when I called their customer services I got an automated message saying I was being transferred to the iPhone department.

So yes, networks can tell which phone you are using even if you are jailbroken/unlocked...

I was supposed to have a nokia (N92? I think). I also used PDAnet before any tethering became officially availible. I frequently used over 10gb of data a month even downloading tv shows (overnight) as I was unable to get wifi for several months. Didn't get a single letter or phone call from vodafone about it. Lol...

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