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Feb 12, 2011
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I bought the Iphone the first day it was available on verizon. i had the original droid rooted and had everything the way i liked it, i jailbroke the iphone and is there anything in cydia that is there or that i could add to fully customize it? like change the battery logo and the top notification bar and lock screen?
any help would be greatly appreciated. coming from droid forums
yes download winterboard and then basically just search winterboard themes in cydia and use winterboard obviously to load them, you can find everything from new battery logos to animated wallpapers/video wallpapers sms tones and different sms themes.. lock screen animated pics and slide to unlock you can change that to anything you want and the arrow you can get some nice icons to change it. you can basically change everything with winterboard, have a look in the cydia folders and check them out