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Cosmic Comics Now in the App Store!


New Member
Feb 14, 2011
Reaction score
Cosmic Egg Comics (Cosmic Comics in the App Store) is the beginning of a new universe of comic strip content.

We're initially launching the app with our comic 'KliW' and as with any universe, it's rapidly expanding.

These are all original 4-panel comics strips with a nerd/geek flavor but are easily accessible by everyone. For only .99, they are guaranteed to make you laugh....out loud even. Yah...that good. If they don't make you at LEAST smile...I will buy you a soda the next time I see you in person. ;-)

Please, help an indie out and spread the word! Pure Cosmic Humor!

Check it out!!
http: // itunes.apple .com/ us/ app/ cosmic-comics/ id418634778?mt=8

(link spaced for now as I JUST signed up to pimp this app...but I assure you, I'll be an active part of this community)

Many thanks! Any and all feedback is appreciated!

-<{ LeGaTTiS }>-