Copied saved photos to new iPhone 4s, but they do not show up in Camera Roll

Copied saved photos to new iPhone 4s, but they do not show up in Camera Roll


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Aug 22, 2013
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My original iPhone 4S was acting up, and my wireless provider shipped me a new one under warranty. Before returning my defective unit, I synced my calendar, contacts, etc., with Outlook on my Windows PC, and, using Windows Explorer, copied all my photos from three subfolders that appeared under "Apple iPhone / Internal Storage / DCIM". I did not record the names of these subfolders, and did not replicate them on my PC, just copied all photos into an arbitrary folder on the PC - not good, I discovered too late!

When I got the new unit, I restored from my local backup using iTunes, which got me all my calendar, contacts etc, and I copied all 500+ photos from my saved folder on my PC, onto the new iPhone. IIRC I just copied them to the DCIM folder, but they do not show up in it. Now the iPhone has all these photos in Photo Library, where I cannot delete them, but they are not in Camera Roll. When I connect the iPhone to my PC, it shows up, but there is only one subfolder, "860OKMZO", under "Apple iPhone / Internal Storage / DCIM", and it only has the few photos I have taken since getting this new unit. The 500+ photos, which I can view in Photo Library, do not show in Windows Explorer, and I have no way to delete any of them.

Is there any way I can regain the ability to edit these photos like I can the ones in Camera Roll?

Grateful for any advice.
