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Can't hide backround of dock .


New Member
Jan 31, 2014
Reaction score
Beech Grove , Indiana
Can't hid dock background. 7.1.1 I have springtomize 3 , classic dock , dock shift . I don't know if I have a conflict or I need to wait for and update. theme Is elite7.

Just want that terrible dock background to go away .
If you're using the entire Elite7 theme, untick the dock theme because Winterboard has a priority over Springtomize. Look for the below 3 in Winterboard and untick them, then respring. See if that resolves your issue.

no luck , I want the use of the dock , just not the color . ive read other posts that said that function in springtomize wasn't working .
no luck , I want the use of the dock , just not the color . ive read other posts that said that function in springtomize wasn't working .

Do you mean the little translucent area on the stock iOS?

Something like this

installed transparent dock after install and respring I can't find it . not in winterboard , not in settings . very strange. jb 7.1.1
Yes. TransparentDock is very simple also support for latest ios firmware
finally got TransparentDock to work after uninstalling and reinstalling 3 or 4 times . it may have been updated I don't know but it finally worked. Thanks to everyone that replied to my thread.