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Can you revert to an older app?


Jul 3, 2012
Reaction score
Got an update to an App today and don't like it. Is there a way to revert to the previous version. (in iTunes)


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Got an update to an App today and don't like it. Is there a way to revert to the previous version. (in iTunes) Thanks Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Not unless you have an older version of the app in your iTunes library on your computer and can sync that copy to your device.

scifan57, iPhone Forums Moderator
OK, just thought I would check with someone who might know better than me, thanks.

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When I update an app from the device, I make sure I like it and that its stable before I go syncing the device with itunes to update the library. If I don't want to keep it, delete it from the device then go into itunes and reinstall the previous version.