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Blocking Phone Numbers

Hi is there a app or a way to block someone calling you?

If your iPhone is NOT jail-broken, then there's no way! Sorry. You can only assign a "silent" ringtone to the number you wish to "block."
EWyatt said:
If your iPhone is NOT jail-broken, then there's no way! Sorry. You can only assign a "silent" ringtone to the number you wish to "block."

My cheap little Samsung (before I got the iPhone) was able to block numbers. It didn't have a lot of features but this was one of them. I wish they would incorporate this feature into the next iPhone.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF.net
iblacklist is available in the app store and you can block calls and texts with it. I think its $1.99
Thanks guys!! This chick want stop calling and texting!!
EWyatt said:
If your iPhone is NOT jail-broken, then there's no way! Sorry. You can only assign a "silent" ringtone to the number you wish to "block."

Now that is a clever tip - simplest things in life are the best :)

I wish I has done that for my oldest grandson, I was at a nice meal with important customers when he phones me - the strains of jingle bells using human wind literally blasted out.

by the time I got to the phone out of the depths of my pocket - the embarrassment was complete lol!
crowd pleaser said:
Now that is a clever tip - simplest things in life are the best :)

I wish I has done that for my oldest grandson, I was at a nice meal with important customers when he phones me - the strains of jingle bells using human wind literally blasted out.

by the time I got to the phone out of the depths of my pocket - the embarrassment was complete lol!

I installed 2 different "Silent Ringtones", assigned them to certain contacts, yet they still play the ringtone that is set for everyone else.