black silicone case

black silicone case


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Nov 6, 2010
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hi guys im currently using a candy shell white, and its nice and all but im going to return it and get a silicone case, it seems too bulky to me. I dont want the incipio derma shot because it rises above the phoen too much, it kind of goes towards the center, can u tell me if the classic series silicone case is good? and is it true that if u use inicipio feather the iphone cannot have a seal protector around the sides?
would u go with black silicon, the motif? sgp bumpers maybe?
You know how black is, it makes everything look skinny. I got a case and love it. I always know where it is and don't have the damage issues i used to have bumping it on my waist or in my pocket or dropping it. Highly reccommended.