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Augmented Reality (A.R) App?


New Member
Nov 26, 2011
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Hello all,

I'm currently researching the use of Augmented Reality for a University project.
Essentially, what I'm looking for is an App that will allow me to overlay my own pictures or movie files on top of the camera view (making it augmented reality).
Being an architecture student I'm looking to see my CAD software/3d software designs on the camera view of the iPhone... making it look as if you are seeing the building in real life, when really it is just layered on top of camera view.

I've tried looking in the app store and there are apps out there that have the exact effect I'm after; an A.R furniture app called SnapShop Showroom is just the thing (it even lets you change furniture, colours, dimensions etc.)
Yet not a single one allows you to customize with your own jpeg file, .avi file or whatever.

If anyone knows of/knows how to get my hands on such an app I would be so happy!
Many thanks!