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Application Search: Sorting Text + Displaying Battery %


New Member
Jul 20, 2011
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I've been looking for 2 applications in the application store. I am hoping that someone already has identified these:

1. a battery application that shows, on a notification icon or something like that, the battery's % full, without having to open it;
2. an application that sorts text. I have Documents To Go, Note Master, but when I have a pastable block of text delimited by returns, I can't find anything that will sort it alphabetically.

Thank you in advance for your assistance
Hi. Cant help with 2) but for the battery, why not go to Settings-General-Usage and turn battery percentage on?
It ll show like this

😄Thanks, iMarilna - such simple little tips make the journey a joy!
Thank you. The percentage thing is EXACTLY what i was looking for. I deleted my numerous 3rd party battery applications and just put a reminder in my calendar to do a full-cycle recharge.