Apple must recall iPhone 4, say PR experts

Apple must recall iPhone 4, say PR experts

Apple should issue a recall to salvage their reputation and maintain customer goodwill but at the same time they won't due to the $ involved.
I don't think you'll get a recall. Apple has always been pretty solid relative to similar products out there. If they don't seel another one because of the antenna issue, maybe they do something. But, if they can't keep them in stock, forget it. Besides, if all other phones do it, what's the big deal. Look at the iPad. Reports said it didn't fit any niche and it would flop. It is still selling like hotcakes.
I like my iPhone and the signal issue doesn't bother me. If they do a recall, I probably won't send mine back.
A recall at this point isn't practical considering the number of units sold. It would be a good faith gesture to see current owners get a free bumper which probably costs apple pennies per bumper.
the guy at the apple store today said thats just rubbish the apple haters make up to put down the name of apple the whole antenna issue
i dunno he told me the whole line of it happens to any phone losing signal if you hold it a certain way also
I could be wrong and you guys disagree if you please but, i seriously doubt that apple will recall the ip4. Did everyone not see how much of a disaster it was for people to get one? So if anyone thinks that ape will just take the phones back then thatll be even worse then giving them out. Consider all the factors:

1. Ppls att plans will have to be changed back for ppl who wont want another phone. Att customer service already sux enough.
2. Shipping cost to send them back? Not too big a deal but still costly for apple.
3. Its a design flaw so that means redesigning the whole phone to fix it, not an overnight deal.
4. Would you give back billions of dollars?
If they do a Recall, do u think Apple will reimburse us who have bought screen protectors??? IMO no.
if they do? i dont think there is any if about it they wont... it will rain money before they do that
I really think there not gonna Recall all phones, only some and if u don't want to return u will get some $ credit with them.
well apple has announced there's going to be something happening tomorrow (Friday). it seems it will have something to do with the iphone 4, but i don't know if it will be a recall.
I'm like everyone else I'm sure, I don't want to give up my iP4 but I feel I did get suckered a little and they really need to do something about the phone and not give free bumpers if that's the plan. I'm sure they didn't make a new model cause if so it would take alot of time to test and pass FCC.