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Anyone still use yahoo?

Yeah. I have 2 yahoo accounts and one hotmail account
It's my computer homepage (on a PC using Safari) and I use a yahoo account as my main email. Have since about 1996 I think? I have hotmail too which is think it a little older even.
I use yahoo, but not the email box. I use yahoo messenger and yahoo calendar. I have 2 yahoo accounts too.
Yahoo is my homepage and I have 1 Yahoo account but it runs really slow on my computer. I mostly use my 2 hotmail accounts though ;)
I have not used yahoo in years... actually I lie, I like yahoo answers some times that can be helpful but messenger and chat? never! lol, but I use google chrome and google for searching..

hotmail? I have an account for my junk mail to go into and mail I only have setup on my iphone. gmail and isp email for email I care about lol, would never consider using yahoo email.. ever
I use Yahoo as my main e-mail source still. Had the account since 2005 and I plan to use it for a long time :). Recently cleared my inbox which contained literally thousands of e-mails.

As for hotmail, I use it only for games and such.