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Any feedback on iOS 6 JB?

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lennie paz

New Member
May 17, 2011
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I don't mind being tethered, but are there any problems with some apps if you JB iOS 6? Just looking for some feedback from those that did JB.
don't do it. I'm trying to downgrade. Cydia is not supported, must be installed via SSH and most good apps seem to not work on the JB market.
Not worth the semi-untethered. Did it on my iPod Touch 4, a lot of the tweaks don't work since they're not iOS 6 supported yet. Some of the basics work but if you're a full on Cydia tweaker, you're better off staying on iOS 5.
Yes it is not worth it. I also want to downgrade, wahhhh!
is iOS6 JB available already. I've noticed an upgrade for Tetherme 2.4.1 which is stated to work with iOS6?
I apologize for my ignorance willerz2 but what does (iOS 6 jailbreak is currently tethered only) means?
The only jailbreak for iOS 6 is a tethered jailbreak, meaning if you were to turn it off or reboot, you'll need to use RedSn0w to boot it back up to use the phone again.
You can get the tethered one now if you're on iOS 6 stock and can't downgrade. Once the untethered comes out, you can either do a fresh jailbreak from scratch, or you can download the iOS 6 untethered download from Cydia once the dev-team has released the untethered version. All it does is that it bypasses the need to "Just Boot" with RedSn0w
Tethered - you need to plug it to a computer to turn on

Untethered - does not need computer assistance while turning on

My feedback is that 1) its very late, the jb should have been available by now :(
2) no use doing a tethered jb because you will need to reformat again if you want to install untethered jb once its available.
Everyone wants something instantly. It takes time. All new iOS untethered jailbreak takes time. These Devs have personal life as well. I'm sure they are working on it. When it gets here the world will know. The next time you are untethered jailbroken please do yourself a favor and don't upgrade till there is one. Or you'll be sitting on the sideline moaning and crying all the time.

Give those guys some time to get everything figured out and they will release it. Plus they do it for free and we get to enjoy it. Sorry for the rant.
They have to find an exploit first. It's not an overnight miracle. Considering that you have the tethered jailbreak about after a month of iOS 6's release is pretty darn good just for A4 devices. A5 and A5x would be a wonder for it to be released by thanksgiving
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