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Android user, looking to jump ship!!


New Member
Sep 23, 2014
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Hi all

I've been on Android for the last few years, having never owned an iphone.

One of the 'reasons' often touted by iphone users for Android users not having an iphone was "not being able to afford one" - that's just 'tosh' as I'm sure most of you will agree.

It's always been about personal prefs for me. I'm on almost 50K p.a so that sort of shoots down that theory (in my case at least)

My reasons were 'freedom of choice'.

With the very +'ve reviews that the 6 is getting, I'm wondering and weighing up the options of whether or not to make the jump, and to find out if the positives of the OS, outweigh the negatives (or not)!

Believe it or not, my #1 'like' of my existing Nexus 5 is the capability for wireless charging...it's soooo handy: whenever I get in the house, I just lie it on the small, cheap (£10) charging pads around our house - rather than the work-surface - 99% of handsets are just sitting in pockets or lying on desks etc (when not in use) waiting for a call or text, this is why my phone is never running low on power. I did consider the S5 but even this top-of-the-range handset doesn't have it 'built-in' ( a thin credit-card-like card fits on top of the battery underneath the removable back!)

My other gripe is having to do almost EVERYTHING thru iTunes. I've heard about jail-breaking to get around this (but doesn't that invalidate the warranty on my £600+ device??)

Another major for me is; if I've got a picture(s) or album(s) on my computer, I can just open my File Browser, go to My LAN> My Computer... to find the required item, then Copy+Paste to my phone. I do this a LOT!!

Is there an alternative way of doing this on IOS without having to find and plugging in a cable?

If there is, I might be a new convert!! :)

Welcome aboard and as an android user and current iPhone 6+ user - there are ways to sync almost all of your Google stuff from your Android account - calendar, email, contacts, Google Play Music and Movies as well as using them with Chromecast...I don't have anything to offer on wireless charging as I have never been a fan and have always used a cable :)...good luck if you convert!
Thanks for the welcome smalltowngirl ;-)

The part I was hoping for came early in your reply "as an android user and current iPhone 6+ user" etc....

The info I wanted to hear didn't though :-(

Even Android hasn't 'universally' embraced the wireless charging option (gawd knows why, as it is a MAJOR plus with our current Nimh battery technology...)

How about being able to copy things over to my device over WiFi???

Thx for any info......
Thanks for the welcome smalltowngirl ;-)

The part I was hoping for came early in your reply "as an android user and current iPhone 6+ user" etc....

The info I wanted to hear didn't though :-(

Even Android hasn't 'universally' embraced the wireless charging option (gawd knows why, as it is a MAJOR plus with our current Nimh battery technology...)

How about being able to copy things over to my device over WiFi???

Thx for any info......
I came also from amdroid and when i got my Ip6 in 10 days [emoji24] i hope then ill will be able to answer your questions mate.

But there is some workaround without jailbrake to transfer like from sdcard to pc or mac..... but i can tell this things only when i tried it by my self to dont misslead others :)

Cheers [emoji56]
Hi all

I've been on Android for the last few years, having never owned an iphone.

One of the 'reasons' often touted by iphone users for Android users not having an iphone was "not being able to afford one" - that's just 'tosh' as I'm sure most of you will agree.

It's always been about personal prefs for me. I'm on almost 50K p.a so that sort of shoots down that theory (in my case at least)

My reasons were 'freedom of choice'.

With the very +'ve reviews that the 6 is getting, I'm wondering and weighing up the options of whether or not to make the jump, and to find out if the positives of the OS, outweigh the negatives (or not)!

Believe it or not, my #1 'like' of my existing Nexus 5 is the capability for wireless charging...it's soooo handy: whenever I get in the house, I just lie it on the small, cheap (£10) charging pads around our house - rather than the work-surface - 99% of handsets are just sitting in pockets or lying on desks etc (when not in use) waiting for a call or text, this is why my phone is never running low on power. I did consider the S5 but even this top-of-the-range handset doesn't have it 'built-in' ( a thin credit-card-like card fits on top of the battery underneath the removable back!)

My other gripe is having to do almost EVERYTHING thru iTunes. I've heard about jail-breaking to get around this (but doesn't that invalidate the warranty on my £600+ device??)

Another major for me is; if I've got a picture(s) or album(s) on my computer, I can just open my File Browser, go to My LAN> My Computer... to find the required item, then Copy+Paste to my phone. I do this a LOT!!

Is there an alternative way of doing this on IOS without having to find and plugging in a cable?

If there is, I might be a new convert!! :)


As far as the warranty and jailbreaking goes, it's very easy to unjailbreak your phone should you need to bring it in for warranty issues.
I switch back and forth often, generally speaking - put any touch screen in my hand and I'm going to tolerate it (miss my berry!), atm I happen to be on an iMsg kick.

This iPhone 6 is petty freaking sharp, today's my first day of use and the screen is leaps and bounds over the 5s :/).
Hey and welcome to the forum :)

There are plenty of ways to transfer pictures or albums with out using a cable, the easiest way would be using iCloud and file sharing which automatically shares pics to all your devices.

When it comes to converting, I wouldn't, I personally use android and ios, getting the best of both worlds.
I rarely used iTunes anymore. Nowadays, the need for iTunes is gone. Only Android users think that one needs iTunes to use an iPhone! ;)
Thanks for the welcome smalltowngirl ;-)

The part I was hoping for came early in your reply "as an android user and current iPhone 6+ user" etc....

The info I wanted to hear didn't though :-(

Even Android hasn't 'universally' embraced the wireless charging option (gawd knows why, as it is a MAJOR plus with our current Nimh battery technology...)

How about being able to copy things over to my device over WiFi???

Thx for any info......

I was looking thru the App Store and there are several apps that you can download to wirelessly transfer files - I cannot confirm that they work but reviews on this one looks good...
Wireless Transfer App - Share sync backup photos pictures videos and video photo albums via wifi or personal hotspot for camera roll and photo library on the App Store on iTunes

I would say if you have a chance to do a "test drive" of an iPhone, definitely give it a shot to see if it meets all of your needs ;)...
Don't do it until you find out exactly what you're giving up. Can you live without a back button? It's a different world where you have to learn a lot of tricks to get around your phone. They don't tell you how either, you pick things up here and there. I don't know how you get around iTunes to sync your phone, for instance. That's news to me. I have to sync my phone in two different programs on my computer and my phone. Go through all the menus and make sure the IP address is correct. I'm not sure about Android, but my old Palm devices had Hotsync that took care of everything with one touch of the screen for all my programs and data. It took forever, but it was smart.
I have an Android Galaxy Tab 2 and my 5s blows it away on many levels. Android is very clunky and cheap feeling on that, but maybe it's way better now.
So you really can't win I think. If you want a phone for pictures and social type stuff go with the iPhone. It's pretty slick. It will transfer all your pictures over wifi too. Wireless charging has to come eventually I hope.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Don't do it until you find out exactly what you're giving up. Can you live without a back button? It's a different world where you have to learn a lot of tricks to get around your phone. They don't tell you how either, you pick things up here and there. I don't know how you get around iTunes to sync your phone, for instance. That's news to me. I have to sync my phone in two different programs on my computer and my phone. Go through all the menus and make sure the IP address is correct. I'm not sure about Android, but my old Palm devices had Hotsync that took care of everything with one touch of the screen for all my programs and data. It took forever, but it was smart.
I have an Android Galaxy Tab 2 and my 5s blows it away on many levels. Android is very clunky and cheap feeling on that, but maybe it's way better now.
So you really can't win I think. If you want a phone for pictures and social type stuff go with the iPhone. It's pretty slick. It will transfer all your pictures over wifi too. Wireless charging has to come eventually I hope.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I get confused with the backbutton on Android phones. iPhones are very user friendly. And the iPhone does have a back button or icon in most places. It's usually in the upper left corner in apps.

Sent from my ancient but trustworthy iPhone 5
I get confused with the backbutton on Android phones. iPhones are very user friendly. And the iPhone does have a back button or icon in most places. It's usually in the upper left corner in apps.

Sent from my ancient but trustworthy iPhone 5

Are you serious? Unless the Android device has a nav bar it will have a physical key. Both options are extremely easy to operate.
I have an iphone, I have tried Android, it's horses for courses, had a play with iphone 6 and kept trying for the back button as it now looks like an Android handset? However I will probably get another iphone " it just works"
Are you serious? Unless the Android device has a nav bar it will have a physical key. Both options are extremely easy to operate.
He means having one home button is easier than having 3. Plus iOS allows you to swipe to go back. Buttons on top are a pain in the ass on bigger Android handsets.