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2 small problematic changes after jailbreak help!


New Member
Nov 9, 2010
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After I have jailbroken and installed the "typophone4" theme, I have been having 2 problems.

1. the background screen turns all black when there is an incoming call. I saw another thread and someone answered that everybody has that. Is this still the case?

2. you know when you are having an incoming call, whether it's on silence mode or not, you can silence the bell or vibrating by pressing the volume button right? But after installing the themes, I can't silence with my volume buttons... I dont think this is a matter or Activator mishap.

Plz help!
Item #1 - My screen shows a photo set as home, when the phone is ringing. Try to add a home screen picture, even if you have a theme. I found out by accident.
Item #2 - Touching the SLEEP button will silence the ring and vibration.
Item #1 - My screen shows a photo set as home, when the phone is ringing. Try to add a home screen picture, even if you have a theme. I found out by accident.
Item #2 - Touching the SLEEP button will silence the ring and vibration.

Thanks man, but how and where to do I "add" a home screen pic?
I already have a homescreen pic and lockscreen pic.
The phone used to show the lockscreen pic when there is an incoming call... :(
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Have you added any themes, they may be over riding the lockscreen picture. If you haven't added anything that might over ride the lockscreen, then maybe you should try a soft-reset: Close all apps then - Hold down the HOME, bottom button, and the SLEEP, top button, for about 10 seconds until the Apple icon appears. Allow it to reboot, it may take a few minutes, don't panic like I did, wait for it to reboot. Cures many weird problems on iOS devices.