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Siri is a great assistant but it can be work thoroughly in the us. It is not fantastic when being in other cities like hong kong.
I decided not to mess with any proxy on my iphone4 so going to wait for the iphone5 and purchase one of those. I only wanted it as I drive a lot doing my work so use voice control most of the time, it just seemed logical to use Siri also. Thought apple would have addressed such an issue between the 4 and 4s, shame on apple to be honest.
Seriously... Does anyone have Any kind of knowledge whether this SIRI assistant will be added to lower models in the future..??

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enots27 said:
Software like Siri sometimes never looses it's beta status cos there is always room for improvement

Yeah man. That's with literally everything. I bet it will be out of beta by iOS 5.1 or 6.0. Whether its beta or alpha.....there is always room for improvement......just like iOS.