Now i know what has been happening to my Apple iPhone6

Now i know what has been happening to my Apple iPhone6

it is a con from apple to make people buy the most overpriced iphone ever in history.
TO NOT TELL people what will.happen to their phones after the update,it is a con, to not give them a choice.
To say that they slowed down the iphones to preserve battery is pathetic. My iphone 6 was absolutely fine on ios 10. So is my mums iphone se with ios 10. However my brothers iphone se ( few months old) is a nightmare that needs charging twice a day and is really really slow.

This tactic from has worked with me. I got to the point where I wanted to throw my iphone 6 against the wall.
The only differrence hiwever is that I didnt upgrade to the most ridiculously priced iphone X but went to other side and myself a Google pixel 2 XL.
Im over the moon with the phone, its superiorly fast, it has an oled displey, best camera of all phones & most importantly it didnt cost me £1000 and I have no more with ios 11 which was by far tge worst ios ever.
PS: i hated quite a few thing on the ios compaer to ios 10, like the control center where i couldnt disable wifi,btooth, just disconnect. This was another con from apple in my eyes to drain peoples batteries even more. A lot of my friends didnt know their wifi or btooth were actually on!

So to end this story. I will not come back to apple ever after reading articles confirming what I thought from the beginning, them intensionally slowing down iphones.
What a greedy company! I hope they get skimmed by law for this and also for hiding their cash in Ireland from the Taxman!
it is a con from apple to make people buy the most overpriced iphone ever in history.
TO NOT TELL people what will.happen to their phones after the update,it is a con, to not give them a choice.
To say that they slowed down the iphones to preserve battery is pathetic. My iphone 6 was absolutely fine on ios 10. So is my mums iphone se with ios 10. However my brothers iphone se ( few months old) is a nightmare that needs charging twice a day and is really really slow.

This tactic from has worked with me. I got to the point where I wanted to throw my iphone 6 against the wall.
The only differrence hiwever is that I didnt upgrade to the most ridiculously priced iphone X but went to other side and myself a Google pixel 2 XL.
Im over the moon with the phone, its superiorly fast, it has an oled displey, best camera of all phones & most importantly it didnt cost me £1000 and I have no more with ios 11 which was by far tge worst ios ever.
PS: i hated quite a few thing on the ios compaer to ios 10, like the control center where i couldnt disable wifi,btooth, just disconnect. This was another con from apple in my eyes to drain peoples batteries even more. A lot of my friends didnt know their wifi or btooth were actually on!

So to end this story. I will not come back to apple ever after reading articles confirming what I thought from the beginning, them intensionally slowing down iphones.
What a greedy company! I hope they get skimmed by law for this and also for hiding their cash in Ireland from the Taxman!
ooh and one more thing I wouldnlike to say. I had an iphone since iphone 3, tgen 4,5,6... After 6 I didnt upgrade as it didnt make sense. The phone looked exactly the same. This war rather sad from apple, I guess it was cheap to make Apple?
Anyway, I think the company started going downhill when Steve Jobs has gone. Since then it is decline for the company.
I personally don't think they should be able to downgrade your property without asking! This must be illegal!
Interesting. People were complaining over and over again, that Apple wants them to buy new devices every year. Now that there’s proof that they actually help using your current devices longer, it’s considered illegal.

I don’t think it’s illegal to prevent internal components from damage, because of a degraded battery. This is also not downgrading your property, but taking care of it, imo. If you’ve never had a different smartphone, you don’t know yet what downgrading really is.
I personally don't think they should be able to downgrade your property without asking! This must be illegal!

The same thing happens when you use low power mode, in regard to the CPU. Besides, most of us upgrade every year or two, and won't ever experience it. If my battery was that degraded, and I needed to use the phone a while longer, I would welcome the help from Apple.
That's not the point , they should have informed the client before downgrading his property
Nothing has been downgraded. After changing the battery, the device is fast again. The only one who’s downgrading the iPhone is the owner who doesn’t take care of it, exposing it to extreme temperatures.
This rubbish is getting on my things. Let’s gets on with life.
2018 will be here for some of us soon, be he happy about it.
We might not be here to see it, what then??? Oldgrumps
you’re just a wind up merchant. And l don’t want to waste my life getting into with you. Fanks pal
I cannot disagree with what Apple did by slowing down phones, with degraded batteries, in a effort to preserve the components in the phone and extend the usable life of its battery. However, Apple's mistake was not telling its users what it was doing and why when it started slowing down the phones. In the very beginning, Apple should have explained to its users what they were doing and that simply replacing the degraded batteries would bring the devices back to their former speedy selves. $100 or so for a new battery is a lot cheaper than a new iPhone at $800+. At that point each owner could decide to upgrade or replace the battery based on their phone's condition. If the users decide to ignore the facts and the phone dies then the fault lies only with the owner's bad decision. I wonder how many iPhone owners, who needlessly opted to get a new phone, would have only replaced the battery had they known. I fully understand why many iPhone owners are upset, I would be too were I in that position. Fortunately, my iPhone 7 and my Wife's iPhone 6 are still running well without battery issues yet but I will choose to replace batteries and not the phone should the need arise.

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