I have a question about music and playlists

I have a question about music and playlists


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Feb 6, 2015
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I am not sure what is going on here I had music on a laptop and I loaded it to iTunes and loaded it on my IPhone 6 and now I am confused on what is going on here.
When I start playing the music and I stop listening to it for maybe 10 seconds or longer it will quit playing that playlist and quit playing any music at all and it does it though my headphones and will do it with Bluetooth music from my phone to my cars radio Bluetooth mode on the radio.
Does anybody know why this is happening and now how to fix it
What I mean is when I shut my car off but don’t stop the music app at all the music still quits the playlist without me hitting any buttons at all on the phone at all
Still looking for help with this
I still don’t understand what at you mean. When I listen to music from a playlist, using CarPlay it stops playing when I shut off the car. When I once again start driving, CarPlay picks up where it left off, usually. Once in a while, if I had been previously listening to FM, it randomly start playing a song from somewhere in my library. CarPlay is different in each brand of vehicle as they access things with different coding. Or are you not even using CarPlay and are using Bluetooth? As I said, I really don’t understand what you are trying to say.
What I am trying to say is the problem I am having doesn’t just happen in the car at all.
For example I was listening to music from my IPhone 6 to my Bluetooth headphones and I paused this music when I was talking to my mom and this time it could have been from 15 seconds to maybe a couple minutes and it would quit the playlist I was using that quick and it does the samething in the car and it does the samething if you step out of the car for just the same amount of time like when I was talking to my mom and it would cancel out the playlist that I was using
What I am trying to say is the problem I am having doesn’t just happen in the car at all.
For example I was listening to music from my IPhone 6 to my Bluetooth headphones and I paused this music when I was talking to my mom and this time it could have been from 15 seconds to maybe a couple minutes and it would quit the playlist I was using that quick and it does the samething in the car and it does the samething if you step out of the car for just the same amount of time like when I was talking to my mom and it would cancel out the playlist that I was using
Try an experiment please. Instead of hitting the button you used to pause the call, to resume listening, try hitting the home button.
I never hit any button at all in the car because I never received a phone call at all and when I paused it when I was talking to my mom she was in the same room as me
I am really confused, it sounds like you paused your music without hitting any buttons. I'm not sure how to do this so am unable to repeat your issue. Is there anything else you are doing that may be helpful in diagnosing the problem??
I hit the pause button on my phone and when I went back to play my music it quit my music I was playing and it been doing this over and over again for months now
Try this. When you pause, || , in iTunes, see if you can go back to the program through the button in the Control Center. If not, press the Home button, as I advised you earlier.
I am not in iTunes I am in the music app on the IPhone 6 & iTunes isn’t on the IPhone 6.
Also I don’t understand when you pause or unpause and how does the music stopping the playlists after few seconds and minutes have anything to do with the home button
I am not in iTunes I am in the music app on the IPhone 6 & iTunes isn’t on the IPhone 6.
Also I don’t understand when you pause or unpause and how does the music stopping the playlists after few seconds and minutes have anything to do with the home button
I meant Music, the name was changed a few years back and i slip back I guess. And you don’t have to understand what it has to do with the home button, it’s just a means of resetting some things, sometimes, on the iPhone. Just try it.

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