


Active Member
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Oct 1, 2016
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South Wales UK
Good day to all.
Thinking of making a Diary on my MacBook using the Notes that are installed on the ios13.
Has anyone tried this method if so may I have dome ideas and some tips Please.
Many Thanks. Happy new year to all.
I do this with Pages rather than Notes, and it is not so much a diary as a todo/ done list with key things/ activities.

Basically I used Numbers to create a list of dates for several months. I then copied the list into Pages and underneath each date I add my notes. E.g. for today I have backups (for 1st of the month); trip to Kew Gardens; emails to send, programs to record, etc....

Several months later I export the current Pages entries back to Numbers, where I have a row entry for each day going back several years - Each year being a tab and each row having all of the key things/ activities for each day.

I can then access both the Pages and Numbers files on my iPad and iPhone. So when my wife asks when we last went somewhere or I want to know when my last car service was, etc. I have fairly instant access.

Happy New Year to you too. (I hope that it is not raining in South Wales; Driving down the M4 it always used to start raining just as I got over the old Severn Bridge -the Welsh side!)
I'm using Calendar for any kind of appointments, reminders, notes, birthdays, basicly anything.
Always in iCloud, available on mac and iphone, sincronized.
Very happy with.