16 gb or 32gb?

16 gb or 32gb?


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Jan 12, 2011
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I'm not sure which size to go with. I plan to get quite a few apps but not really any video (maybe a couple) and some pictures (less than 500). Which size would be best for me?
I would go for the 32 gig, I have a 1st gen touch which I wanted to replace with the newer one that came out last year, now that verizon is getting the iphone I will consolidate all the things I like about the touch with my new iphone. Plus it will allow teathering to my ipad and macbook as well.
I have an iphone 4 16gb with 196 apps and 600 photos and have plenty of space remaining. I also have about 7 ibooks and a few videos and I have had no problems at all.
I have an iphone 4 16gb with 196 apps and 600 photos and have plenty of space remaining. I also have about 7 ibooks and a few videos and I have had no problems at all.

With all that on your iPhone and only 16 gigs, the question arrizes...why would anyone need 32gigs of space?

You don't list any music on your iPhone and that does take up a lot of space, but with 196 apps, 600 photos, and 7 iBooks already on your phone you still aren't experiencing any storage problems...you can't have much space left for anything else.

I might be missing something here.

I have an iphone 4 16gb with 196 apps and 600 photos and have plenty of space remaining. I also have about 7 ibooks and a few videos and I have had no problems at all.

With all that on your iPhone and only 16 gigs, the question arrizes...why would anyone need 32gigs of space?

You don't list any music on your iPhone and that does take up a lot of space, but with 196 apps, 600 photos, and 7 iBooks already on your phone you still aren't experiencing any storage problems...you can't have much space left for anything else.

I might be missing something here.


people the can go without 5,000 songs need the 32, if you can keep your music to around 1,000 barely any videos 16GB is plenty
I have an iphone 4 16gb with 196 apps and 600 photos and have plenty of space remaining. I also have about 7 ibooks and a few videos and I have had no problems at all.

With all that on your iPhone and only 16 gigs, the question arrizes...why would anyone need 32gigs of space?

You don't list any music on your iPhone and that does take up a lot of space, but with 196 apps, 600 photos, and 7 iBooks already on your phone you still aren't experiencing any storage problems...you can't have much space left for anything else.

I might be missing something here.


16 simply isent enough ... out of 32GB i have 10GB left.... installing apps over time you end up with so many pages full.. mp3s pics and everything else you install over time you slowly or quickly install more and that 16GB is never enough... if they had 64B i would get that
I have an iphone 4 16gb with 196 apps and 600 photos and have plenty of space remaining. I also have about 7 ibooks and a few videos and I have had no problems at all.

With all that on your iPhone and only 16 gigs, the question arrizes...why would anyone need 32gigs of space?

You don't list any music on your iPhone and that does take up a lot of space, but with 196 apps, 600 photos, and 7 iBooks already on your phone you still aren't experiencing any storage problems...you can't have much space left for anything else.

I might be missing something here.


16 simply isent enough ... out of 32GB i have 10GB left.... installing apps over time you end up with so many pages full.. mp3s pics and everything else you install over time you slowly or quickly install more and that 16GB is never enough... if they had 64B i would get that

64GB yikes thats alot, i had a 30GB ipod with the wheel, could never fill it, got a 32GB iPod touch could never fill that either

when i went to the iphone i descided that i didnt need to carry my whole music library with me everyday, 500-1,000 songs is plenty for me, and if i dont use an app or game for more then 2 weeks i delete it, but thats just my opinion, not to say there is anything wrong with your or anyone else like you
With all that on your iPhone and only 16 gigs, the question arrizes...why would anyone need 32gigs of space?

You don't list any music on your iPhone and that does take up a lot of space, but with 196 apps, 600 photos, and 7 iBooks already on your phone you still aren't experiencing any storage problems...you can't have much space left for anything else.

I might be missing something here.


16 simply isent enough ... out of 32GB i have 10GB left.... installing apps over time you end up with so many pages full.. mp3s pics and everything else you install over time you slowly or quickly install more and that 16GB is never enough... if they had 64B i would get that

64GB yikes thats alot, i had a 30GB ipod with the wheel, could never fill it, got a 32GB iPod touch could never fill that either

when i went to the iphone i descided that i didnt need to carry my whole music library with me everyday, 500-1,000 songs is plenty for me, and if i dont use an app or game for more then 2 weeks i delete it, but thats just my opinion, not to say there is anything wrong with your or anyone else like you

you just delete the app? even if you have paid for it? lots of games i havent touched in ages but i have them sitting there for when i decide to play it again. apart from the few that just sucked, i deleted those straight away.

thats better for you that 16 is enough space you save more cash to.. but i used to be like that also that 32GB was way too much and i never had even 20GB to fill with but i always said i rather have too much then not enough.. and slowly needing more and now i have 32GB and 10GB space left..

569 songs 13 videos 170 photos 62 apps/games

so not really too many apps but it takes up the space quickly.
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16 simply isent enough ... out of 32GB i have 10GB left.... installing apps over time you end up with so many pages full.. mp3s pics and everything else you install over time you slowly or quickly install more and that 16GB is never enough... if they had 64B i would get that

64GB yikes thats alot, i had a 30GB ipod with the wheel, could never fill it, got a 32GB iPod touch could never fill that either

when i went to the iphone i descided that i didnt need to carry my whole music library with me everyday, 500-1,000 songs is plenty for me, and if i dont use an app or game for more then 2 weeks i delete it, but thats just my opinion, not to say there is anything wrong with your or anyone else like you

you just delete the app? even if you have paid for it? lots of games i havent touched in ages but i have them sitting there for when i decide to play it again. apart from the few that just sucked, i deleted those straight away.

thats better for you that 16 is enough space you save more cash to.. but i used to be like that also that 32GB was way too much and i never had even 20GB to fill with but i always said i rather have too much then 16GB and one day needing more and now i have 32GB and 10GB space left..

569 songs 13 videos 170 photos 62 apps/games

so not really too many apps but it take sup the space quickly.

oh dont worry if you paid for them, itunes lets you download again for free as long as you always use the same app store signin name
64GB yikes thats alot, i had a 30GB ipod with the wheel, could never fill it, got a 32GB iPod touch could never fill that either

when i went to the iphone i descided that i didnt need to carry my whole music library with me everyday, 500-1,000 songs is plenty for me, and if i dont use an app or game for more then 2 weeks i delete it, but thats just my opinion, not to say there is anything wrong with your or anyone else like you

you just delete the app? even if you have paid for it? lots of games i havent touched in ages but i have them sitting there for when i decide to play it again. apart from the few that just sucked, i deleted those straight away.

thats better for you that 16 is enough space you save more cash to.. but i used to be like that also that 32GB was way too much and i never had even 20GB to fill with but i always said i rather have too much then 16GB and one day needing more and now i have 32GB and 10GB space left..

569 songs 13 videos 170 photos 62 apps/games

so not really too many apps but it take sup the space quickly.

oh dont worry if you paid for them, itunes lets you download again for free as long as you always use the same app store signin name

yep it does let you but then you have to open app store and find the game and even remember i had it installed.. seems like too much hassle instead of just leaving it on there and deciding to play it at a later date when im not bord of it lol.
I definitely want the 32gb version. Why not have more space if you can? At only $100 more? I'll use my new every two discount (for the last time) to get $100 off thus making the 32gb iphone 4 only $199 for me!

Hopefully thats possible!
you just delete the app? even if you have paid for it? lots of games i havent touched in ages but i have them sitting there for when i decide to play it again. apart from the few that just sucked, i deleted those straight away.

thats better for you that 16 is enough space you save more cash to.. but i used to be like that also that 32GB was way too much and i never had even 20GB to fill with but i always said i rather have too much then 16GB and one day needing more and now i have 32GB and 10GB space left..

569 songs 13 videos 170 photos 62 apps/games

so not really too many apps but it take sup the space quickly.

oh dont worry if you paid for them, itunes lets you download again for free as long as you always use the same app store signin name

yep it does let you but then you have to open app store and find the game and even remember i had it installed.. seems like too much hassle instead of just leaving it on there and deciding to play it at a later date when im not bord of it lol.

lol ya i can see exactly what you mean, i use to be the same way with my past 2 apple devices just this time around im trying to justfy only needing 16, actually there was no 32's available at the time i bought mine and i didnt want to wait or i probably would of got a 32 lol
I have an iphone 4 16gb with 196 apps and 600 photos and have plenty of space remaining. I also have about 7 ibooks and a few videos and I have had no problems at all.

With all that on your iPhone and only 16 gigs, the question arrizes...why would anyone need 32gigs of space?

You don't list any music on your iPhone and that does take up a lot of space, but with 196 apps, 600 photos, and 7 iBooks already on your phone you still aren't experiencing any storage problems...you can't have much space left for anything else.

I might be missing something here.


I have 7.1gb remaining. I am guilty of adding too many apps which I will likely never use again because I keep finding better apps to do the job. The ones I don't use I have put in folders on my last few pages until I actually decide they will never be used again then I should have plenty of free space left.
Ill be getting the 32GB version. As some have said, i would rather have too much space than not enough space.

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