Wont boot (jailbbroken)

Wont boot (jailbbroken)


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Dec 21, 2010
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my phone was 100% charged but it froze and i had to reset it, i have since tried redsn0w to boot in tethered, but my windows 7 keeps coming up with usb not recognized and fails to boot the phone in DFU mood. nothing i do will fix this, i have tried it on 3 different pcs all running latest itunes.

please help
thank for the reply Gaz, but tinnyumbrella wont load up the phone, the options are blacked out. i think its because windows wont recognize the usb
Sound like you have covered the bases, but maybe this will help.
How to enter/exit DFU/Recovery modes on youtube.com
thanks for the youtube link, i know how to enter all those modes, but i think my problem is that the hard drive on the iphone maybe corrupt or damage? as windows keeps coming up with the error when connected.
as the error comes up when its trying to enter DFU mode as Redsn0w is trying to apply the break.
On your computer go into your control panel. Choose system then click the hardware tab at the top then choose device manager. At the bottom of the list you will see Universal Serial Bus Controllers (USB). Expand that menu by clicking the + symbol. At the bottom of that there will be a few USB Root Hub. Plug you phone in and one of these should change.

I can't quite remember exactly from here so bear with me. If you right click on the one that does (your phone) you can choose something like forget this device or remove drivers for this device. Then you can unplug your phone and plug it back in and windows will reinstall the drivers. Should solve your problem...
This happened to me.. I just opened up itunes.. and somehow it gave me the option to "Install" new Iphone.. it worked.. the only downfall is you lose all your apps.
i have tried the device manager route, and still no luck, even uninstalled all the usb drivers. iv tried system restore, delete itunes, and downloaded latest version. its just malfunctining when connecting to the pc/laptop. it has done this on 4 different ones now.

itunes wont show my Iphone. the usb keeps stopping the devices from communicating.
thank you for the suggestions though.
the nearest apple shop is over 50 miles away, plus its been jailbreaked, would they even touch it?
Give them a call and see what they recommend. Don't tell them it's jailbroken. They're going to have to do some sort of restore to get it to work, so they won't find out.

I've sent a couple of 3GS's back in recovery mode still jailbroken and haven't heard anything yet...
If you can get into it long enough to do a reset in Settings, your good to go for a return to the Apple store. If you can't get into it, they probably won't try too hard either and just give you a new iPhone.
i have now phoned the insurance company and said i have lost the phone, so hopefully they will send a new one out by new year.
i might try taking it to apple aswell. or do they check to see if it is stolen?
If they do get your phone to work it will be IMEI blocked by the insurance company/carrier, therefore useless. If they can't get it to work in the shop they will most likley figure it out when it goes back to apple for a repair...