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Aug 18, 2011
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i just upgraded to iOS 5 yesterday and i jail broke my phone. now i want to put a theme on it but when i download winter board it puts my phone in t safe mode..does anyone know why or what i can do i just want to put a different theme on my phone
it hasn't been updated to work with ios5 yet.... i dont know of any theme that has been created or ported to work with iOS 5 yet either. the iOS4 themes WILL NOT WORK since there have been many file name changes to iOS5.
so jailbreaking this early is kinda pointless because everything is still based off of ios4 correct?
Jmills87 said:
Correct, MobileSubstrate needs to be updated before most of the Cydia packages will work on iOS5

Alright good deal thanks man
just have a question i did have aproblem with themes in winterboard but since two days ago we did have aupdate on MobileSubstrate and now my themes are working fine bot the only problem is that every theme dthat i try Email Icon and Music is not changing in WinterBoard...
Can somebody help me with this issues about two icons not changing....Thnx for help ;-)))
lacky you bro , every theme that i try email and music icons do not change