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Staff member
Oct 4, 2011
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I don't think we have a discussion thread for weather conditions where our members are.

This morning Britain is being covered by a film of sand coming from the Sahara desert which prompted this thread, Normally we are being covered with snow at this time not sand.
Its unusually mild but I'm not complaining about that.

What is it like where you are?
We have 3° C and rain today. It's too warm for December. Usually, I have to remove ice from my car's windshield in the morning at this time of the year. That was necessary just a few times.

We had 20° C in November, way too warm for autumn.
We have 3° C and rain today. It's too warm for December. Usually, I have to remove ice from my car's windshield in the morning at this time of the year. That was necessary just a few times.

We had 20° C in November, way too warm for autumn.
I've got -12°C and light snow. I think they sent you some of my temperature by mistake.;)
The worlds weather is haywire, We're usually freezing now but we're enjoying some lovely mild weather.
Some poor souls in Britain have been flooded out of their homes for the second time this year, Its becoming a regular thing now.
Much too warm for December here in North Alabama. My billfold likes it though. It has cooled some since a storm came through. It was 74° F a few days ago. El Nińo doing his thing.

It would be great if it stayed mild like this but it can't last, January and February is usually freezing, The only consolation is that by then Spring is getting closer.
It would be great if it stayed mild like this but it can't last, January and February is usually freezing, The only consolation is that by then Spring is getting closer.
Today it finally cooled down to normal December weather. We've had storms, including a Tornado not far from here. And floods. Oh, my! I've never seen the Tennessee River so flooded here. Looks like normal December/January weather through the 7th.
Woke up this morning to strong gales across the country.

More misery for those already hit by flooding, Torrential rain forecast across the country.
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Looks like winter arrived here, finally. We had - 7.5° C at night, and still have - 4.8°.