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Jul 6, 2010
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I think I am the odd person in demographics/gender/age to be an iphone user/owner that posts here...... just saying...
early 30's woman, that lives on a farm, stays at home with kids.... just not my my type of haunts... yet I keep checking in a million times a day :p

Dh could care less about tech things yet I am all about it.... So h is not so excited about my iphone, he just calls it my latest toy (it is but I will never tell that to him)
I think the tech bug bites people of all ages and lifestyles. I find I'm really inspired to create with the emerging technologies and I'm 50. Most people my age use computers and related devices as little as is necessary. I'm frequently being asked to help get an older friends going in a tech capacity only to find I have to drive them to follow through with it.

I think if we knew more about the members of the site, we'd see a surprisingly diverse bunch here.
I am 66 and love technology we are here to help you with any issues you may have with your phone relax enjoy and smile

Cheers Colin down under Australia
I to am a gadget hound. From a practical point I am wasting money on new gadgets when the "old" gadget would serve me as well. But I am always chasing new tech stuff and enjoying it.
I am 36 and a music producer and record label owner and that's just the part time job. I like useful gadgets, especially ones that are good for the things that I stated earlier. iPhone applies to both. Doing business while I'm on break from my day job and can even create music on this thing which was unimaginable not too many years ago.
My sis is mid 30s, lives in kentucky, and loves all things Apple...so I don't think you're so different after all :)
I'm a 35 yr old mom of four, stayed home until three years ago. I love my Apple gadgets from my iPad to my iPhone 4!! You would be surprised how many of us are out there! I love it because I get an educator's discount now!!
My sis is mid 30s, lives in kentucky, and loves all things Apple...so I don't think you're so different after all :)

hahaaa, maybe not, as I have sis named Jenny.
I'm a 35 yr old mom of four, stayed home until three years ago. I love my Apple gadgets from my iPad to my iPhone 4!! You would be surprised how many of us are out there!

I am a stay at home mom of a nearly 3 yr old and I'm getting my iphone for my 39th birthday next Thursday (if it comes by then, probably not). I think I'm more excited about it than my tech hubby. I'll have something to do now while my daughter is crashed out in the back seat of the car and i'm sitting in the Target parking lot while she naps. :rolleyes:
LOL BFE, Oregon. Pretty sure I've lived there or near, having been born and spent most of my life in Oregon. I'm guessing you're going to discover more uses...practical uses beyond distractive entertainment. They tell me....'there's an app for that'. I suspect you'll be surprised after about 2 weeks. Have fun.
50 Years Old - Been involved in technology since I was 12. First computer was a Teletype running Fortran, Cobol, Basic..... Love It...