Thanks in advance!

Thanks in advance!


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Nov 16, 2010
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I am thrilled to find and become a part of this forum.

I am not only new to the forum; I am new to the iPhone 4, and new to smart phones.

I went with the iPhone 4 because the advertisements made it look so easy to use. WRONG! I was unable to do much of anything and I was surprised to find no real instructions in the box or on the phone. I went online and bought iPhone 4 Made Simple. What an oxymoron, all 809 pages.

I don’t even know enough to ask questions about all I don’t know.
Am I the only dummy out here? When will iPhone 4 for Dummies be published?
I’m hoping that reading your existing posts will help and I’ll try not to ask too many stupid questions. Thanks in advance for your patients and help.
Don't worry about asking silly questions. When I got my first iPhone I hadn't a clue. There should be some sort of quick start guide in the box. Once you get the basics sorted its very easy to use.

Oh and welcome...
Try tapping on the blue compass like icon that says Safari under it, then look at the bottom of the page for the icon that looks like an open book, tap on that. These are your book marks and one of them should be the iPhone manual. Tap on it to open the manual. I would be on a WiFi network if possible, as the file is rather large, don't want to use up your data minutes. Also you can go to Apple and click on SUPPORT - IPHONE - MANUALS, find the iPhone manual and download it to your computer. You can read it on screen or print it out.
Try tapping on the blue compass like icon that says Safari under it, then look at the bottom of the page for the icon that looks like an open book, tap on that. These are your book marks and one of them should be the iPhone manual. Tap on it to open the manual. I would be on a WiFi network if possible, as the file is rather large, don't want to use up your data minutes. Also you can go to Apple and click on SUPPORT - IPHONE - MANUALS, find the iPhone manual and download it to your computer. You can read it on screen or print it out.

Poco, you give solid advice and I like your posts. I decided to learn something new every day about the iPhone and I refer to the iPhone Guide.
When I bought my iPhone directly from an AT&T store, I asked for a knowledgeable techie to set me up (they actually had to get him from the backroom). He was the one who installed the iPhone User Guide for me. It looks like an app on the home screen (second page) and underneath it says "iPhone Guide." I followed your instructions by clicking on Safari and then the bookmark and it brought me there too but I like to see the grey/white looking app icon and all I do is click on it and the Guide pops right up.
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Try tapping on the blue compass like icon that says Safari under it, then look at the bottom of the page for the icon that looks like an open book, tap on that. These are your book marks and one of them should be the iPhone manual. Tap on it to open the manual. I would be on a WiFi network if possible, as the file is rather large, don't want to use up your data minutes. Also you can go to Apple and click on SUPPORT - IPHONE - MANUALS, find the iPhone manual and download it to your computer. You can read it on screen or print it out.

Poco, you give solid advice and I like your posts. I decided to learn something new every day about the iPhone and I refer to the iPhone Guide.
When I bought my iPhone directly from an AT&T store, I asked for a knowledgeable techie to set me up (they actually had to get him from the backroom). He was the one who installed the iPhone User Guide for me. It looks like an app on the home screen (second page) and underneath it says "iPhone Guide." I followed your instructions by clicking on Safari and then the bookmark and it brought me there too but I like to see the grey/white looking app icon and all I do is click on it and the Guide pops right up.

If you go into Safari with the iPhone manual on the screen and tap on the + icon at the bottom of the screen, and tap "save to desktop", you will have an icon on the home screen. Mine was gray and had "1-2-3" written on it. I for a long time I wondered what that icon was.:)
Pocobear.... There are several iPhone User Guides on the web. I tried to install the same guide I have on a friend's iPhone and it came up with 1-2-3 on the home page just like yours. We compared the titles or categories going down on the screen and it was a different layout. However, it appeared that I had the newer edition.

I am going to do more research to find out if I have the newest guide but it involves more time, which I don't have right now. But I will follow through on it. I will probably have to call apple and ask to speak to a Senior Advisor. The newbees there are nice and polite but you know it if they are "green" the minute they ask you to hold and talk it over with their "mentor."

If you know what the newest iPhone User Guide is, please post it. Thanks.

Thanks for the welcome and the directions to put the user guide on the phone. I just downloaded it. This will be awesome. It will be so much easier to look up functions and questions than carrying around the 809 page instruction book I bought.

Why don’t they just preload this on the phone for dummies like me?