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Texting/iMessage with iPhone and iPad


New Member
Oct 27, 2014
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Hello everyone,

My son just gave me his iPhone 5 and I have questions about the texting and iMessage features. I also have a 2nd generation iPad, which I've been using to iMessage other people for the past year or so.

- I have logged into both with my Apple User ID
- I do not have a data plan on either the iPhone or iPad and rely solely on wi-fi
- I have updated both products to the latest iOS 8.1
- I would like to be able to continue using iMessage on my iPad while at home with the e-mail address
- I would like to be able to text when not around wi-fi and use the iMessage (to other iMessage users) when around wi-fi using the phone number

I am not very technologically advanced, but can follow instructions quite well. I have no idea how to set the above up, as currently when I send a text/iMessage from work, where there is no wi-fi, I get an error saying message not sent. My son says that he usually gets the message 5 hours later, when I get home?!

Thank you for reading and any help that anyone can offer will be greatly appreciated.

Jimmy, not sure where you live but most US CELL CArriers with a smart phone will place you on some sort of data plan. Who is your cell carrier?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Hello everyone,

My son just gave me his iPhone 5 and I have questions about the texting and iMessage features. I also have a 2nd generation iPad, which I've been using to iMessage other people for the past year or so.

- I have logged into both with my Apple User ID
- I do not have a data plan on either the iPhone or iPad and rely solely on wi-fi
- I have updated both products to the latest iOS 8.1
- I would like to be able to continue using iMessage on my iPad while at home with the e-mail address
- I would like to be able to text when not around wi-fi and use the iMessage (to other iMessage users) when around wi-fi using the phone number

I am not very technologically advanced, but can follow instructions quite well. I have no idea how to set the above up, as currently when I send a text/iMessage from work, where there is no wi-fi, I get an error saying message not sent. My son says that he usually gets the message 5 hours later, when I get home?!

Thank you for reading and any help that anyone can offer will be greatly appreciated.

The reason it takes so long for your son to get imessages is because you need either wi-fi or a data plan to send iMessages. Your transmission isn't occurring until you do. But the previous poster is also correct, most US wireless providers do include data.
There's no way to send an iMessage to someone over the cellular network unless your iPhone has a data plan. iMessages sent via the cellular system use cellular data. This is different than regular SMS text messages which donot count as data use.
I don't have a data plan on my iPhone 6 but as long as I have credit on there I can use iMessage when I'm out of the home.
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I don't have a data plan on my iPhone 6 but as long as I have credit on there I can use iMessage when I'm out of the home.
Don't understand. How do you text w/o data plan???

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Don't understand. How do you text w/o data plan???

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I have Pay as U Go, As long as i keep my phone topped up with credit I can use iMessage without Wifi and sms of course.
Yeah, the "quote" option on this site is not very intuitive and I can't seem to get the hang of it either bear7962!!
Yeah, the "quote" option on this site is not very intuitive and I can't seem to get the hang of it either bear7962!!

Use TapaTalk, quoting is a lot easier using the app. It also makes posting pictures easier as well. It's my preferred way of using web forums.

Sent from my PC using BlueStacks and Tapatalk Pro.
Use TapaTalk, quoting is a lot easier using the app. It also makes posting pictures easier as well. It's my preferred way of using web forums.

Sent from my PC using BlueStacks and Tapatalk Pro.
I wasn't trying to quote but regardless my keyboard would not appear and so I couldn't type anything, hence my posting blank boxes. Again, sorry to all. No idea why it is working now but glad it is.
Jimmy, not sure where you live but most US CELL CArriers with a smart phone will place you on some sort of data plan. Who is your cell carrier?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Thanks to everyone for their replies.

I live in Canada and cell carrier is Fido. I understand the difference between iMessage and Text(SMS) and how they work. iMessage uses wifi or data to send and receive messages using the messaging program iMessage in my phone and texting is through my provider, Fido. I don't have or want data service on my phone.

I'm trying to set my phone up, so that when I'm within a wifi signal (like my house or office), I would like to be able to send iMessages and when I'm not within a wifi signal I can use the text feature. I'm hoping that it will somehow automatically switch from one to the other, without me going into the iMessage feature and turning it on or off.

Are there certain features in iMessage that I should have on in my iPhone settings and iPad settings? Should I check marks next to my phone number and my email address? I also use my iPad to iMessage people that have iMessaging available.