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Reception not an issue with iPhone 4


New Member
Jun 15, 2010
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So what's the big deal with the antenna issue. There have been enough posts and blogs about the death grip and the construction of the new iPhone 4. I ditched my 3G for 215.00 and upgraded to this drop dead georgeous phone that has a kick ass os and blows the doors off of all the competition. I had an otter box defender case on the 3G and I am sporting the bumper and zagg shield on the new one until the new cases are available.

So my sweaty hands don't bridge the antennas now at all and my phone is inside a case that I was already gonna buy. All the crocodile tears over the lefty death grip and deceptive antenna readings, but you know what ? This phone still works great. Left hand or right I have no dropped calls, the entire user experience is great and it completes my family of MacBook, iPad, and iPhone 4 nicely. The fact of the matter is if ya dont like it return it and buy something else. There are millions of others who will gladly pick up that 30 day old phone and simply put a case on it, like they were going to do anyway.
So what's the big deal with the antenna issue. There have been enough posts and blogs about the death grip and the construction of the new iPhone 4. I ditched my 3G for 215.00 and upgraded to this drop dead georgeous phone that has a kick ass os and blows the doors off of all the competition. I had an otter box defender case on the 3G and I am sporting the bumper and zagg shield on the new one until the new cases are available.

So my sweaty hands don't bridge the antennas now at all and my phone is inside a case that I was already gonna buy. All the crocodile tears over the lefty death grip and deceptive antenna readings, but you know what ? This phone still works great. Left hand or right I have no dropped calls, the entire user experience is great and it completes my family of MacBook, iPad, and iPhone 4 nicely.
The fact of the matter is if ya dont like it return it and buy something else. There are millions of others who will gladly pick up that 30 day old phone and simply put a case on it, like they were going to do anyway.

I'm with you on that one! I have not had an issue with mine, not one dropped call...
So what's the big deal with the antenna issue. There have been enough posts and blogs about the death grip and the construction of the new iPhone 4. I ditched my 3G for 215.00 and upgraded to this drop dead georgeous phone that has a kick ass os and blows the doors off of all the competition. I had an otter box defender case on the 3G and I am sporting the bumper and zagg shield on the new one until the new cases are available.

So my sweaty hands don't bridge the antennas now at all and my phone is inside a case that I was already gonna buy. All the crocodile tears over the lefty death grip and deceptive antenna readings, but you know what ? This phone still works great. Left hand or right I have no dropped calls, the entire user experience is great and it completes my family of MacBook, iPad, and iPhone 4 nicely. The fact of the matter is if ya dont like it return it and buy something else. There are millions of others who will gladly pick up that 30 day old phone and simply put a case on it, like they were going to do anyway.

Very well said and I agree 100%....no dropped calls here and completely satisfied.
100% satisfied here too! The only complaint I have about my iPhone 4 is that the screen makes my iPad screen seem not nearly as gorgeous as it used to be! ;)
I've had no problems with my iPhone 4. On Thursday 24th, after several hours queuing i thanked the O2 staff for newspapers, drinks and breakfast which they distributed to people in the queue. The whole experience has been a pleasure....
Yes, I too love my iPhone 4 even with it's one major flaw.

@Ajfb004, with all due respect, Apple did a GREAT disservice to its loyal customer base by not telling them that yes, the new iPhone 4 is the best thing since sliced bread, but oh, by the way, for it to work properly you MUST hold it THIS way, not THAT way or else buy one of our thirty dollar bumper cases (that, don't tell anyone else, only costs us a dollar).

Apple should, at the very least, offer a $30 credit to everyone that pre-ordered the phone, with the assumption that it would work, as is, right out of the box, just as they had advertised.

That's my only beef with Apple.

I will definitely think twice before being an "early adapter" for any of their future products.

[FONT=georgia, bookman old style, palatino linotype, book antiqua, palatino, trebuchet ms, helvetica, garamond, sans-serif, arial, verdana, avante garde, century gothic, comic sans ms, times, times new roman, serif]Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. ~Chinese Proverb
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Yes, I too love my iPhone 4 even with it's one major flaw.

@Ajfb004, with all due respect, Apple did a GREAT disservice to its loyal customer base by not telling them that yes, the new iPhone 4 is the best thing since sliced bread, but oh, by the way, for it to work properly you MUST hold it THIS way, not THAT way or else buy one of our thirty dollar bumper cases (that, don't tell anyone else, only costs us a dollar).

Apple should, at the very least, offer a $30 credit to everyone that pre-ordered the phone, with the assumption that it would work, as is, right out of the box, just as they had advertised.

That's my only beef with Apple.

I will definitely think twice before being an "early adapter" for any of their future products.

[FONT=georgia, bookman old style, palatino linotype, book antiqua, palatino, trebuchet ms, helvetica, garamond, sans-serif, arial, verdana, avante garde, century gothic, comic sans ms, times, times new roman, serif]Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. ~Chinese Proverb

The only problem I can see with this is that the single complaint on the phone has been shown to be present on 3GS and 3G running the same iOS. With that in mind it would not be a flaw in the hardware because the two phones are of different construct. The argument that its a hardware flaw on the iphone 4 cant be right then or it would not exist on the two other platforms right ?
"The argument that its a hardware flaw on the iphone 4 cant be right then or it would not exist on the two other platforms right?"

You make a good point and I've read it else where also.

IMHO, the problem just hasn't been as pronounced and easily duplicated in the 3G and 3GS phones so there was never such an uproar. A friend got a 3GS when it came out. He noticed some signal problems but hadn't figured out exactly what the problem was, unlike the iPhone 4 situation.

It will be interesting to see if in fact the software upgrade that they are talking about will help resolve the issue.

Hopefully I'm wrong, but it just seems like, based on them using the wrong signal formula in the first place, the indicated signal bars will just go from indicating 5 bars to indicating 3 bars and degrade from there.
Here is a video of a 3GS doing the same thing after an ios4


I just can't put it off on faulty hardware with all these examples out there showing it on the other phones too. I am waiting for the software update to see how it effects the bars, but with that said I still have not had any dropped calls.
Even though my home also has crappy reception I do well in area's with decent reception. I haven't had a issue yet but I also have WiFi at home which helps with my primary use of my phone Web Surfing.
I think the bugs are in iOS and not the iPhone 4. Why? My wife got the iPhone 4 on Friday (her first iPhone) and it works perfect. She has the same reception issues she had with her other phone, loss of signal and dropped calls when in a area of weak signal, nothing new. The problem did not get worse when she upgraded. However, I have the 3G and had no issues with it until I upgraded to iOS. Now my phone locks up, powers off all by itself. This morning I was charging it via USB with iTunes open. Without warning, it disconnected from iTunes, beeped and shut down while laying on the desk. iTunes remained open and working fine.
I have considered going back to the old OS but it is a difficult procedure. I plan on upgrading to the 4 when eligible, I hope a new version of iOS comes out soon.

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