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New Member
Dec 23, 2011
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Hi I have noticed when I talk to people on here a lot don't have a photo of themselves as their Profile/Display picture... Is there a reason for this or just personal preference... Just curious as I have an actual photo of myself as mine... So thought I better ask y it seems like I'm the only one lol...
Hi I have noticed when I talk to people on here a lot don't have a photo of themselves as their Profile/Display picture... Is there a reason for this or just personal preference... Just curious as I have an actual photo of myself as mine... So thought I better ask y it seems like I'm the only one lol...

Mines me too. But in here it seems it's preference to use superheroes or fairies (laughs out loud)

Yay..! Im not the only one haha Yes or the Apple Logo
HaHa u have the best of both worlds then :) lol nice costume :) haha