Need a new computer

Need a new computer


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Sep 19, 2010
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I have no problem with itunes,outlook and my iphone 4 but need to change a new computer but how on earth do i transfer my all my DATA(music,contacts,program) on to the new computer without loosing them on my iphone.Installing and setting up my itunes may be easy but how about my ACCOUNT and tones of programs i have on my phone.I DO NOT WANT TO LOOSE THEM!
i just went throught that......anything purchased should be fine through itunes,it will let you put it on 5 computers with out much hassle
the only problem i ran into was getting stuff off the phone to save it.
none of my music is through i tunes,so i got a program that let me transfer file from the phone to pc.i dont remember thwe name,i d/l a couple and they all did what i needed,then i deleted them all

just watch out for the warnings...some stuff you can"merge"together with the diff computers,some stuff it says it will delete cuase those files are not present on that new computer

it wasnt that bad....but still a pain