Might as well join the party..

Might as well join the party..


New Member
Thread Starter
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
Apalachicola National Forest, FL
For years, I have despised the iPhone, the idiots that own them, the lack of flexibility, and the whole "span of control" that Apple maintains over its products. I have been running Android forever. Its complicated, but I like complicated. Complicated equals flexibility.

That hatred continues today. I bought myself an ATT iPhone 4S 64GB for Christmas, just to play with until my Sprint contract runs out in mid-January. My goal was to use it over wifi only...mp3 player and such. I unbox it, and WTF? Cant even use the web browser because it "needs to be activated". Why in the hell would any reputable company require a device to be activated before it can be played with? I dont have to have a line of service active to play with my Android phones.

Anyhow, ending my initial rant, I managed to sweet talk a really cute girl at the local ATT store, Cora in Tallahassee, who provided me with an unactivated SIM, and assisted me with "activating" my device.

Since then, I've used my EVO as a wifi hotspot, and played with the iPhone. I still despise the fact it cannot be customized to my liking... hate not having a big clock on the home screen... hate having application icons all spread out on the home screens. Although, from my reading, I've learned that once a jailbreak is finally released for the 4S, most of my gripes would be eased.

Anywho, after doing a bunch of reading various threads, I figured I'd join the forums, hoping to soon see news of a jailbreak being released, so I can really give this thing a run through. I know if I end up not liking the iPhone, they hold their value really well, and I know I could get my money back out of it easy and buy a Galaxy S-II Skyrocket. ;)

Cheers! Happy new year to yall.

Oh, and another reason for giving the iPhone a try, was seeing a video on youtube about "Lifeproof" cases. Freaking sweet Jesus they're awesome. Being a firefighter, my handsets regularly get wet...either by sweat inside my gear, or my water.

I went to Besy Buy and bought one the same afternoon Cora activated my device. Freaking $85 after tax... but wow. Its freaking cool to be able to protect my investment... and be able to goof off and drop it in the water, without any fear.

Already sunk it in the kitchen sink... cant do that with the Otterbox on my EVO.

Just that, along with the fabulous camera, puts several points in the iPhone's favor. So far, I am entertained. :D
For years, I have despised the iPhone, the idiots that own them, the lack of flexibility, and the whole "span of control" that Apple maintains over its products. I have been running Android forever. Its complicated, but I like complicated. Complicated equals flexibility.

Well really at the end of the day its what works for you and what has the features that you need in every day usage, but with out owning one you cant really be biast about the products and really know if its any good unless you try it. for me I found my LG 3D works very similar to my iphone and the stores both had lots of good apps/games to download.

That hatred continues today. I bought myself an ATT iPhone 4S 64GB for Christmas, just to play with until my Sprint contract runs out in mid-January. My goal was to use it over wifi only...mp3 player and such. I unbox it, and WTF? Cant even use the web browser because it "needs to be activated". Why in the hell would any reputable company require a device to be activated before it can be played with? I dont have to have a line of service active to play with my Android phones.

thats the thing about moving to a new os, you wont be used to it so quickly and you are so used to how android works and what features it has over ios or the same features how differently you access it, you have to activate it but ios 5 allows you to do so with out needing to plug the computer in, it used to be that you had to plug into a computer and activate with itunes, why? apple preferes this method so you can setup the phone and wifi connections..etc with out having to look through the phone and find it, even though thats pretty much what you do with new phones is play with the settings for hours to see what there is.

Anyhow, ending my initial rant, I managed to sweet talk a really cute girl at the local ATT store, Cora in Tallahassee, who provided me with an unactivated SIM, and assisted me with "activating" my device.

so thats why you got the iphone 4S..! the cute girl ! lol im just kidding! :-)

it really takes no time at all to do so and its good that they helped to do so

Since then, I've used my EVO as a wifi hotspot, and played with the iPhone. I still despise the fact it cannot be customized to my liking... hate not having a big clock on the home screen... hate having application icons all spread out on the home screens. Although, from my reading, I've learned that once a jailbreak is finally released for the 4S, most of my gripes would be eased.

I am afraid to say that these are features that you really can only get by jailbreaking the iphone, slowly apple add these features but some of them you will never see enabled. so if you refuse to jailbreak and really need to customise the device then android or a windows phone even more be for you. I love to customise my phone but I jailbreak to have most of it.

Anywho, after doing a bunch of reading various threads, I figured I'd join the forums, hoping to soon see news of a jailbreak being released, so I can really give this thing a run through. I know if I end up not liking the iPhone, they hold their value really well, and I know I could get my money back out of it easy and buy a Galaxy S-II Skyrocket. ;)

for an un tethered jailbreak for the 4S it will be in the new year some time, but its always worth doing so and maybe you will be able to find all those tweaks and customisations that you are searching for/had on the android device

Cheers! Happy new year to yall.


and to you too! have fun what ever you end up doing tonight:-)

Oh, and another reason for giving the iPhone a try, was seeing a video on youtube about "Lifeproof" cases. Freaking sweet Jesus they're awesome. Being a firefighter, my handsets regularly get wet...either by sweat inside my gear, or my water.

they do look very good!

I went to Besy Buy and bought one the same afternoon Cora activated my device. Freaking $85 after tax... but wow. Its freaking cool to be able to protect my investment... and be able to goof off and drop it in the water, without any fear.

a lot of people dropped their like 10 seconds after buying it and because of the glass back/front cracks easily so was a very good idea to get that, 85$ but better then ending up with a broken device.

Already sunk it in the kitchen sink... cant do that with the Otterbox on my EVO.

Just that, along with the fabulous camera, puts several points in the iPhone's favor. So far, I am entertained. :D

kitchen sink?!? already?! lol!
Welcome, Raven! My friend has a Life Proof case and he says you can actually take a shower with your iPhone.

I don't know....

Just WHAT IF. What if it leaked. Wonder if Life Proof guarantee 100%, no leakage?
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G'day and welcome to the FoRuM!!! :)

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