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Jailbreaking IOS 8.1????


Sep 6, 2012
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I've been jail breaking every iPhone I've ever owned since the 3GS. Now that I have the 6plus with IOS 8.1, I don't think I need to jailbreak any longer. What do you think??

Sent from my iPhone 6 plus using Tapatalk
I've been jail breaking every iPhone I've ever owned since the 3GS. Now that I have the 6plus with IOS 8.1, I don't think I need to jailbreak any longer. What do you think??

Sent from my iPhone 6 plus using Tapatalk
It all depends on what you want from a jailbreak. If you can get everything you want from your iPhone without jailbreaking then there's no reason to jailbreak.
It all depends on what you want from a jailbreak. If you can get everything you want from your iPhone without jailbreaking then there's no reason to jailbreak.
Yes I agree. I sold my jail broken iPhone 5 to my sister. She's loving it. I must say though I'm satisfied with what my 6plus right now.

Sent from my iPhone 6 plus using Tapatalk
Here's what I want from jailbreaking: To be able to uSe apps that can automatically reply or forward text messages, and to be able to have a free hotspot. What I hate to give up with jailbreak: directv geniego. I don't think the first two have been solved with ios 8. [emoji3]
Here's what I want from jailbreaking: To be able to uSe apps that can automatically reply or forward text messages, and to be able to have a free hotspot. What I hate to give up with jailbreak: directv geniego. I don't think the first two have been solved with ios 8. [emoji3]
Yeah I agree but at least I can respond to a text from anywhere. But it's definitely not BiteSMS. That's one tweak I do miss [emoji4]

Sent from my iPhone 6 plus using Tapatalk
I just wish we could change those ugly icons and move them to different patterns without JB.
What are some cool jailbreak apps ?
Oh wow!! So many. Here's a few: Apple Dynamic Wall, Bridge, CCToggles, Classic Dock, Eclipse, Fancy, Groovy Lock, Infidock, LinkTunes, PandoraSkips, Pandora Downloader, Random Icon Flip, Sicarious, Springtomize3, YoutubeToMp3.....and there is soooo much more!!!

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Well I meant like new for the new jailbeak because some of the tweaks are buggy