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Jailbreak with limerain wont work


New Member
Sep 15, 2010
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I have iphone 4 with 4.1 with 2.10.04 .Ok. For some reason it just doen't work, i get the message saying that it got jailbroken but, I never see the lime drop on my iphone.
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I don't know what I am doing wrong. I get the message explocit, then it says the jailbreak is done, but I never see the llarge drop on the screen nor the limera1n on my iphone!!!!!
ok, you got a linky? and steps how to do it
I tried both with Limera1in and Greenpois0n and had trouble with both but eventually got it with Greenpois0n. Limera1n sometimes also told me it was done when it wasn't. My brother also had trouble with Greenpois0n on his iPhone 4 but then got it too. He used Greenpois0n on a friends 3rd Gen iPod Touch and got it on the first shot. I think it all comes down to the timing of pressing and holding the buttons and when you hit the Jailbreak button. If it doesn't work with Greenpois0n just keep trying with it and eventually you'll get it.
it keeps telling me that jailbreak is failed with greenpoison
ok, I got limera1n to work. it was not the programs that were giving me trouble, I think something went Kaboom in my LAPTOP settings after jailbreaking and unlocking and downgrading a sh.t load of phones. Anyway, I switched to the other user and limera1n worked like a charm.
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