iTunes Backup

iTunes Backup


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Jun 8, 2011
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Charlotte burb
When you sync your phone to iTunes, it states it's backing up bookmarks, contacts, etc. And yet, from what I am learning, the only TRUE back up is right clicking the device and choosing the backup option. Am I correct? Because when I right click the device and look to see about restoring from backup, the only ones listed are the ones done from right click.
That all being said, why exactly does it state it's backing up when you are simply doing a sync? I know many people are confused by this and think they are doing a full back up. Shouldn't Apple be more specific about this? It seems really important.
xray, I feel your pain, man! I've done several "Backups" on my 2 iPhones but luckily have never had the need to use them, except once. When I did use it, I lost everything! All my Contacts, the works. Since then, I've been trying to figure out how to configure iTunes to actually SAVE everything on my iPhones without losing data. Still trying....
I read somewhere today that iTunes backup will not save and restore purchased apps, music, and photos on the Camera Roll. I don't know if that's true, but if not, then what's the point...?
If YOU ever figure out the answer to your question, please write back and explain in understandable lingo. Thnx! Final note: I apologize for not being able to answer your question directly, but felt it relevant to confirm your thoughts.
Thanks! I was going to "bump" it because I feel that it's a pretty good question. I probably should have given it a different thread title! There are a gazillion questions on back ups!
I thought that ITunes will backup your phone? That was what it did during upgrading process to IOS 5 and restored back all the phone previous setup in IOS 4.

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I thought that ITunes will backup your phone? That was what it did during upgrading process to IOS 5 and restored back all the phone previous setup in IOS 4.

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zeis.... did that include ALL your apps, photos, tunes, and everything else?? Or did you not have a lot of data to begin with? Let me know, plz.....
zeis.... did that include ALL your apps, photos, tunes, and everything else?? Or did you not have a lot of data to begin with? Let me know, plz.....

When I did my update to iOS 5 it backed up, then installed iOS 5 then synced it all back. Everything, apps, emails, music, contacts, calendar. Only thing it did not back up was photographs. What it did do though was sync every photograph I had on my pc. Which was a pain as I had to delete them all once synced.

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EWyatt said:
zeis.... did that include ALL your apps, photos, tunes, and everything else?? Or did you not have a lot of data to begin with? Let me know, plz.....

Yes, all of it. My only problem that day was my calendar... All the event recorded twice... I need to delete the extras..😓

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iHolophyte said:
When I did my update to iOS 5 it backed up, then installed iOS 5 then synced it all back. Everything, apps, emails, music, contacts, calendar. Only thing it did not back up was photographs. What it did do though was sync every photograph I had on my pc. Which was a pain as I had to delete them all once synced.

Sent from my iPhone 4 iOS 5 using Tapatalk

I don't have that issue.. Except for double entries in my calendar. Which not a big issue actually. Deleted the unnecessary

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Thanks to all for the info about backups. Sounds like the process DOES work well. I needed that bit of confirmation.
Let define the difference between "Sync" and "Backup"

Sync is everything the user has access to and change from with itunes. This includes the following: Music, Applications, Photos, Books, Contacts, Calendars, etc.

Backup is everything that "Sync" does not cover. This includes the following: iPhone settings such as WiFi, Passwords to existing email accounts, data to applications and other "non-editable" data from with iTunes.

When ever you upgrade iOS, part of the process is to first "Sync" and then "Backup" the phone. iTunes then installs the new version of iOS and then does a "Restore" and then a "Sync" to return you to a known state.

I highly recommend if your data is important that you "Backup" your iPhone at least every 30 days but I would encourage you to do it every week. Now iCloud does provide this ability over iTunes. But I am a firm believer of covering my bases. iCloud requires an internet connection to work. iTunes backup just requires you to have a working computer to install it. Which means I can still restore and use my phone regardless of any outage.
Thanks so much for the clarification. The issue I and others see is that when you do sync your phone, the scroll at the top when it is syncing states that it is "backing up" items first. If you didn't know better, you would think that this was the only back up you would need. I wish Apple was more clear on this and also made the true back up more visible other than having to right click.
Thanks so much for the clarification. The issue I and others see is that when you do sync your phone, the scroll at the top when it is syncing states that it is "backing up" items first. If you didn't know better, you would think that this was the only back up you would need. I wish Apple was more clear on this and also made the true back up more visible other than having to right click.

I agree but then again apple thinks we are all computer wizards and would know this already. WE DON'T

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Thanks again, Skull for some good info. I have a problem with one part of your posting (the synching part, and how the subsequent "backup" after an iOS update would include a "synch"). But since I'm not EVER going to mess with my perfect iOS 4.1, it's all moot! I just don't trust iTunes farther than about a half an inch.... or less.
EWyatt said:
Thanks again, Skull for some good info. I have a problem with one part of your posting (the synching part, and how the subsequent "backup" after an iOS update would include a "synch"). But since I'm not EVER going to mess with my perfect iOS 4.1, it's all moot! I just don't trust iTunes farther than about a half an inch.... or less.

When you plug the phone in it does a sync. If you do nothing else to the phone the backup will occur without a sync. If you change one thing while plugged in it sync immediately. So it always sync before a backup due to how iTunes operates natively.

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