iPhone4 app sucking up data but don't know which app it is!

iPhone4 app sucking up data but don't know which app it is!


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Jan 5, 2011
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Does anyone know how you can tell which app would be using so much data? AT&T can't tell me which app it is, but they sure can bill me for the usage!

I see some data charges for HUGE usage at times when I am not even awake. Any information would be helpful!
It's always hard to tell. The easiest way is to remove one app at a time and keep an eye on your data usage via settings > general > usage.

In the mean time turn of mobile data when your not using your phone...
GPS and video/music streaming would be the biggest culprits for data use

when you say huge data are you saying 20-30MBs? or like 200MB

also this may sound dumb so im not trying to suggest you dont know the obvious but downloading apps from the app store count as data always make sure of the app size before downloading when you not on a WiFi
Actually it's always about 180-200MB.
The thing is I have been using the app TV.com and watching a 40 minute show on it while not connected via WiFi, but that has been between 8-10am when I did watch it, but my AT&T statement is showing these huge data usages between 11-12pm. And it shows "sent" and not received.
I'm not 100% sure but I've been hearing three scenarios

One that for some reason Iphone4 has been doing that for no particular reason. I've heard people saying that they had to talk with the tech guy at Apple and stuff but currently nothing.

Two at&t for some reason thinks that you are doing that so even though your phone says that you didn't on the at&t account you've been using huge amounts so they'll bill you. I've heard that some people had to talk to the at&t guy proving that they haven't been using that much and get their bill corrected.

Three, if you have been watching tv shows through iphone few hours before then it just might be time delay in recording when and how much you've used. I've heard that most data checking apps plus even iphone itself records your usage with a few hours of error.

Now i don't know which case you are and how to check but personally think and hope that it's the third case which just means you should do that so often. Streaming videos when you're not on wi-fi isn't such a good idea.