iPhone X Data Breach?

iPhone X Data Breach?


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Jul 2, 2018
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Hello. I'm new here. Joined to specifically ask this question to seek direction from you more knowledgeable Apple lovers.
For Xmas, got the iPhone X. Love it. But six months later, June, one night it just went black. Would not take a charge, would not reboot etc... Apple Store simply gave me a new phone.
As we all know, Apple emails receipts and invoices.
Once I returned home, I looked at that receipt (there was no charge of course). That email had the correct 'old' EMEI number but the address attached to that EMEI was not mine!
No idea to whom that address belongs but certainly not to me. My Apple account was correct. This paperwork was not.
I consider this a data breach. If I received a stranger's address - who has mine??
I spoke with Apple. They will give me a £30 credit to be used in-store because I had to (again) purchase a screen protector.
A friend thinks I should join up with the address on my receipt and together sue Apple for privacy and data breach.
What would you do?
Thoughts and direction most appreciated!
Not sure how an incorrect address is a data breach.

They got the physical address from you, and no one ever sees the address as Apple doesn't physically mail anything out.

Don't let me talk you out of something you really want to do, but examine your reasons (what is motivating you to do this) and make your mind up to do what you feel you need to.
Thank you zstairlessone for your input.

Just to be clear: At the Apple Store, I did not give them my address. Apparently this 'stranger's' address was affiliated with the EMEI of my (new) phone.
It was on the invoice of the service job.
Hence the concern.
No data has actually been breached as a result of this error in addresses. And you are thinking of bringing a court case against Apple for this!!
Have you bought any music from iTunes or bought any apps or games? If you have, Apple has your billing address, which is required when setting up an iTunes account.
It's possible that the replacement iPhone you received was a factory refurbished unit and that other address may have been associated with the original owner of the iPhone. Also, just because that address appeared on your invoice doesn't mean that anyone else was given your address.
Thank you all for input.
This is exactly why I reached out- just not sure the depth or breath of this error.
I knew I'd find direction on this forum.

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