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iPhone Songs


New Member
Nov 28, 2011
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We've been stumped on this for a while: Co-workers iphone 5s has several thousand songs physically on the phone. When it is plugged into iTunes and you click on the phone icon, go to music (on the phone), iTunes only shows 4 songs on the phone. Why? How can we get iTunes to display all of the songs that are on the phone? We have done most everything we can think of on this problem. Can you help?
J.A. I ask my co worker if he used iTunes Match. He does not. It's turned off in his phone. Funny that his iPod Touch shows everything correctly as it should but his phone doesn't.
When he goes into iTunes on his PC is it set to sync tunes from that device to his PC?
And another question:
Did he change stores? If he downloaded many of his songs in the UK iTunes Store (just as an example), and is now signed in to the US iTunes Store with just a few purchased songs, iTunes will only show the music from this store, not the other one.
And another question:
Did he change stores? If he downloaded many of his songs in the UK iTunes Store (just as an example), and is now signed in to the US iTunes Store with just a few purchased songs, iTunes will only show the music from this store, not the other one.
JA..he has purchased all his music here in the states..not abroad. To clarify...in iTunes on the computer....all his music is listed. When he plugs his iPhone 5s into the computer...iTunes recognizes his phone and an icon shows up for the phone. when you click the phone icon, there are only 4 songs showing on the iPhone through iTunes. But if you go to music icon on the iPhone, there are all his songs on his phone...plugged into iTunes or not. The songs are there.
Did he purchase the songs with different Apple IDs, but from the same country? This would explain it as well.

Did he set up Family Sharing, or were all of the songs purchased by him?
Did he purchase the songs with different Apple IDs, but from the same country? This would explain it as well.

Did he set up Family Sharing, or were all of the songs purchased by him?
All songs were purchased by him from the same account (one account only) and all from within the states. Thanks
Ok...we have went through the settings and he has had a problem syncing.....it hangs up on a video. We have checked manage music and video manually. We made sure all songs are checked and we have un checked the movies to see if syncing will go through. I'll let you know what happens. Thanks