iPhone Newbie

iPhone Newbie


Active Member
Thread Starter
Sep 18, 2012
Reaction score
N. E. Ohio
Getting my first iPhone on Friday. New to iPhone but not IOS. I've had the original iPad and currently have the iPad 2.

My current phone is a Droid Bionic. I have had several Android phones, but being a Verizon customer has limited me to what they had to offer. I feel the iPhone 4s didn't have as much to offer then my Bionic, but the iPhone 5 is the one I've been waiting for. Waiting and wanting bad enough that I paid full price.

Just a little more background, I use to be a moderator at a couple of different Droid Forums, one of them owned by the same owners of this forum. I do not hate any particular phone users, if Android or Blackberry is your thing I'm fine with it. I just happen to think that nothing is better then an iPhone 5. My opinion, ymmv.

I may be lurking around for a little advice every now and then. I'm not interestedin jail breaking the phone, I want to use its stock features. Looking forward to going through the forum and reading your comments. Hope to meet some friendly people who don't mind helping out a newb.
Hi Hookbill, it's a pleasure to meet you. I believe you are familiar to me from iPadForums! :)

Welcome to the Forum!! So glad that you joined us and hope that you gain a lot of good info here.

Remember that using the Search Function may help you find answers to many of your questions that others have asked before.

We recommend that you also familiarize yourself with our Forum Rules.


Thanks johnwolves, I'm sure that you are far more representative of the majority of the community. I appreciate your welcome.
I already have an opinion. I think IOS is better then Android, have thought so ever since I got my first iPad. I love the ease of use and the lack of issues that Android has.

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