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IPhone Messaging


New Member
May 9, 2015
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Hello. So I have a group chat with my family and I accidentally sent them a picture of my friend. My first reaction was to go on airplane mode, so the message currently says "not delivered". One of the people in the chat does not have an iPhone so all of the messages are green. (I'm not exactly sure what that means). So my two questions are:
1. Since it is a group chat, is there a chance any one could have still received the picture?
2. If I go back off of airplane mode, will the message still deliver?

I can't answer your questions but can tell you if you have a group chat with some on imessage and others on SMS or regular texting, it is handled as non-i messaging. For instance, an IOS 8 feature lets you leave a group messaging only if everyone is on imessage. That is why it is green and not blue.
There are people here that a more knowledgable than I am and I know they can answer your two questions. GL
I can't answer your questions but can tell you if you have a group chat with some on imessage and others on SMS or regular texting, it is handled as non-i messaging. For instance, an IOS 8 feature lets you leave a group messaging only if everyone is on imessage. That is why it is green and not blue.
There are people here that a more knowledgable than I am and I know they can answer your two questions. GL
Thank you!
Welcome to iPhoneForums, iphonegirl9!

When you turn off Airplane Mode, you'll find a red exclamation mark next to the text you tried to send, and below it "Not Delivered". You'll be able to try sending again.
If you simply want to delete the message, tap and hold on the text. You'll get two options: Copy, and More. Tap the latter to remove the message.

I can't help with your first question. Sorry!

Hope that helps.
Welcome to iPhoneForums, iphonegirl9!

When you turn off Airplane Mode, you'll find a red exclamation mark next to the text you tried to send, and below it "Not Delivered". You'll be able to try sending again.
If you simply want to delete the message, tap and hold on the text. You'll get two options: Copy, and More. Tap the latter to remove the message.

I can't help with your first question. Sorry!

Hope that helps.
So if I delete the message then it will not send or continue to send?
If it works the same way as in my case, you'll be able to delete it instead of trying to send it again.
If your asking can you stop it from sending no you can't it will sand the Picture

Sent from your bed room
No, actually you can doing just what JA said. As one of life's coincidence I came across an article on just this subject yesterday but didn't bother to post the link as JA had it covered. The key is airplane mode and the message screen showing Not Delivered after turning the phone service back on. If I can find the article again I will post it.

How to Cancel Sending a Message or SMS from iPhone OSXDaily
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