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iPhone Keeps Crashing! :/


New Member
Mar 28, 2014
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Okay so I've been having my phone for a while and it's been crashing none stop. I don't really know why. But I did get a crash report and thought one of you people could help me out? I don't really know how to find out from this but here..

## syslog
Mar 28 13:24:05 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[41761]: implementation: 0x100112018
Mar 28 13:24:33: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Mar 28 13:24:33 Alberts-iPhone backboardd[41759]: ALS: SetDisplayFactor: factor=0.0500
Mar 28 13:24:33 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[41761]: {
Mar 28 13:24:37 Alberts-iPhone mstreamd[42356]: (Note ) mstreamd: Not monitoring for external power.
Mar 28 13:24:37 Alberts-iPhone mstreamd[42356]: (Note ) PS: Media stream daemon stopping.
Mar 28 13:24:37 Alberts-iPhone mstreamd[42356]: (Note ) AS: <MSIOSAlbumSharingDaemon: 0x155d15470>: Shared Streams daemon has shut down.
Mar 28 13:24:37 Alberts-iPhone mstreamd[42356]: (Warn ) mstreamd: mstreamd shutting down.
Mar 28 13:24:37 Alberts-iPhone mstreamd[42358]: MS:Notice: Injecting: com.apple.mediastream.mstreamd [mstreamd] (847.21)
Mar 28 13:24:37 Alberts-iPhone mstreamd[42358]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/GRDocumentImportRedirect.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:37 Alberts-iPhone mstreamd[42358]: MS:Error: dlopen(/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/GRDocumentImportRedirect.dylib, 9): no suitable image found. Did find:
Mar 28 13:24:37 Alberts-iPhone mstreamd[42358]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/libstatusbar.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:37 Alberts-iPhone mstreamd[42358]: (Note ) mstreamd: mstreamd starting up.
Mar 28 13:24:37 Alberts-iPhone mstreamd[42358]: (Note ) PS: Media stream daemon starting...
Mar 28 13:24:45 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[41761]: implementation: 0x100112018
Mar 28 13:24:48: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Mar 28 13:24:48 Alberts-iPhone backboardd[41759]: ALS: SetDisplayFactor: factor=0.0000
Mar 28 13:24:48 Alberts-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleMultitouchN1SPI: updating power statistics
Mar 28 13:24:48 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[41761]: {
Mar 28 13:24:48 Alberts-iPhone backboardd[41759]: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 3->255
Mar 28 13:24:48 Alberts-iPhone backboardd[41759]: Posting 'com.apple.iokit.hid.displayStatus' notifyState=0
Mar 28 13:24:48 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[41761]: (Note ) MC: Locking device.
Mar 28 13:24:48 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[41761]: __MKBAssertionFinalize: __MKBAssertionFinalize(0x178e2a120)
Mar 28 13:24:48 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[41761]: MKBDeviceLockAssertion: MKBDeviceLockAssertion (asserttype:5655192 with error 1)
Mar 28 13:24:48 Alberts-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]: LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification: com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status
Mar 28 13:24:48: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Mar 28 13:24:48 Alberts-iPhone kernel[0]: ALS: AppleARMBacklight::setBacklightEnableGated 0 (set level to 0x1d7)
Mar 28 13:24:48 Alberts-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 41761 sel: 26 ret: e00002e2)
Mar 28 13:24:48 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[41761]: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[NSSet initWithArray:range:copyItems:]: array argument is not an NSArray'
Mar 28 13:24:48 Alberts-iPhone ReportCrash[42362]: MS:Notice: Injecting: (null) [ReportCrash] (847.21)
Mar 28 13:24:48 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Notice: Injecting: com.apple.managedconfiguration.profiled [profiled] (847.21)
Mar 28 13:24:48 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/Activator.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:48 Alberts-iPhone ReportCrash[42362]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/GRDocumentImportRedirect.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:48 Alberts-iPhone ReportCrash[42362]: MS:Error: dlopen(/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/GRDocumentImportRedirect.dylib, 9): no suitable image found. Did find:
Mar 28 13:24:48 Alberts-iPhone ReportCrash[42362]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/libstatusbar.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:48 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/AdBlocker.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:48 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: otherApps (
Mar 28 13:24:48 Alberts-iPhone touchsetupd[224]: WPTransfer deallocing
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone ReportCrash[42362]: ReportCrash acting against PID 41761
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Notice: Injecting: com.apple.backupd [backupd] (847.21)
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/Activator.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/AdBlocker.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: otherApps (
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/Bloard.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector layoutSubviews
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector willDisappear
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector initWithFrame:
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/Bloard.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/DisableWelcomeBanner.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector layoutSubviews
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/Flex.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector willDisappear
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/DisableWelcomeBanner.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/Flex.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/GIFViewer.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/GRDocumentImportRedirect.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Error: dlopen(/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/GRDocumentImportRedirect.dylib, 9): no suitable image found. Did find:
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/Nitrous.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/SpringtomizeUbiquitous.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/StatusBarFix2.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/GIFViewer.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/GRDocumentImportRedirect.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Error: dlopen(/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/GRDocumentImportRedirect.dylib, 9): no suitable image found. Did find:
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/Nitrous.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/SpringtomizeUbiquitous.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/StatusBarFix2.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/UserAgent.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Error: dlopen(/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/UserAgent.dylib, 9): no suitable image found. Did find:
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/WinterBoard.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/UserAgent.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector checkoutAccessoryImagesForIcon:location:
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector checkoutAccessoryImageForIcon:location:
Mar 28 13:24:49 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector checkoutBadgeImageForText:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector generateIconImage:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: message not found [UIStatusBarTimeItemView contentsImageForStyle:]
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: message not found [UIImage defaultDesktopImage]
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector _defaultDesktopImage
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector resetCurrentImageToWallpaper
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector init
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Error: dlopen(/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/UserAgent.dylib, 9): no suitable image found. Did find:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector setIconImageAlpha:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector setIconLabelAlpha:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector initWithDefaultSize
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/WinterBoard.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector setAlpha:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector updateNumberOfRootIconLists
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector layoutSubviews
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector renderedSizeOfNode:constrainedToWidth:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector initWithFrame:delegate:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector _canUseLayerBackedBalloon
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector layoutSubviews
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector addBalloonView:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector setBackgroundColor:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector initWithStyle:reuseIdentifier:
Mar 28 13:24:50: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector checkoutAccessoryImagesForIcon:location:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector initWithStyle:reuseIdentifier:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector checkoutAccessoryImageForIcon:location:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector setSeparatorStyle:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector initWithFrame:style:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector checkoutBadgeImageForText:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector loadView
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector generateIconImage:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: message not found [UIStatusBarTimeItemView contentsImageForStyle:]
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: message not found [UIImage defaultDesktopImage]
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector _defaultDesktopImage
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector resetCurrentImageToWallpaper
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector init
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector setIconImageAlpha:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector setIconLabelAlpha:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector initWithDefaultSize
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector setAlpha:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector updateNumberOfRootIconLists
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector layoutSubviews
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector renderedSizeOfNode:constrainedToWidth:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector initWithFrame:delegate:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector _canUseLayerBackedBalloon
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector layoutSubviews
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector addBalloonView:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector setBackgroundColor:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector initWithStyle:reuseIdentifier:
Mar 28 13:24:50: --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector setSeparatorStyle:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector initWithFrame:style:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector loadView
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/biteSBarClient.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/biteSBarClient.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/libstatusbar.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backupd[42364]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/libstatusbar.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone profiled[42360]: (Note ) profiled: Service starting...
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone lockbot[42366]: MS:Notice: Injecting: (null) [lockbot] (847.21)
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone lockbot[42366]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/GRDocumentImportRedirect.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone lockbot[42366]: MS:Error: dlopen(/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/GRDocumentImportRedirect.dylib, 9): no suitable image found. Did find:
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone lockbot[42366]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/libstatusbar.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone accountsd[159]: 2014-03-28 13:24:50.513 accountsd[159:40487]: Cannot check access to a private account type: (null)
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone ReportCrash[42362]: Formulating crash report for process SpringBoard[41761]
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone backboardd[41759]: System app "com.apple.SpringBoard" has died. Waiting for it to spawn again...
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]: spd:spd_cleanup_client:505 cleaned up client 0x12ed7caf0 with pid 41761, connection 0x12ed6db40
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone imagent[9229]: [Warning] Unable to get entitlements for client task. Error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=-1 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (POSIX error -1 - Unknown error: -1)"
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone imagent[9229]: [Warning] Denying xpc connection, task does not have entitlement: com.apple.private.icfcallserver (SpringBoard:41761)
Mar 28 13:24:51: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone sharingd[67]: XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID
Mar 28 13:24:51 Alberts-iPhone com.apple.launchd[1]: System: c=2¬u[41779] disappeared out from under us (UID: 501 EUID: 501)
Mar 28 13:24:50 Alberts-iPhone mediaserverd[31329]: 13:24:50.953 [0x102f50000] CMSession retain count > 1!
Mar 28 13:24:51 Alberts-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleH6CamIn::setPowerStateGated: 0
Mar 28 13:24:51 Alberts-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleH6CamIn::power_off_hardware
Mar 28 13:24:51 Alberts-iPhone mediaserverd[31329]: 13:24:51.379 [0x102f50000] CMSession retain count > 1!
Mar 28 13:24:51 Alberts-iPhone com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.SpringBoard[41761]): (com.apple.SpringBoard) Job appears to have crashed: Abort trap: 6
Mar 28 13:24:51 Alberts-iPhone backboardd[41759]: Unable to delete job with label UIKitApplication:com.apple.mobilesafari[0xaf9f]. Error: No such process
Mar 28 13:24:51 Alberts-iPhone backboardd[41759]: Unable to delete job with label UIKitApplication:com.apple.MobileSMS[0xc093]. Error: No such process
Mar 28 13:24:51 Alberts-iPhone ReportCrash[42362]: Failed to open AC log file (/var/mobile/Library/Logs/AppleSupport/general.log) for writing. uid=501
Mar 28 13:24:51 Alberts-iPhone ReportCrash[42362]: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/SpringBoard_2014-03-28-132449_Alberts-iPhone.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
Mar 28 13:24:52 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: MS:Notice: Injecting: com.apple.springboard [SpringBoard] (847.21)
Mar 28 13:24:52 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: MS:Warning: Entering Safe Mode
Mar 28 13:24:52 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/MobileSafety.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:52 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector touchesEnded:withEvent:
Mar 28 13:24:52 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector mouseDown:
Mar 28 13:24:52 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector _updateTimeString
Mar 28 13:24:52 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector _finishUnlockWithSound:unlockSource:isAutoUnlock:
Mar 28 13:24:52 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector _unlockWithSound:isAutoUnlock:unlockSource:
Mar 28 13:24:52 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector _unlockWithSound:isAutoUnlock:unlockType:
Mar 28 13:24:52 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: MS:Warning: message not found [SBIconController showInfoAlertIfNeeded]
Mar 28 13:24:52 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector maxIconColumns
Mar 28 13:24:52 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: MS:Warning: message not found [UIImage defaultDesktopImage]
Mar 28 13:24:52 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector tile
Mar 28 13:24:52 Alberts-iPhone backboardd[41759]: Telling the system app that it can start immediately
Mar 28 13:24:52 Alberts-iPhone MGLocHelper[42370]: MS:Notice: Injecting: com.apple.MobileGestalt.MGLocHelper [MGLocHelper] (847.21)
Mar 28 13:24:52 Alberts-iPhone MGLocHelper[42370]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/libstatusbar.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:52 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: Loaded logger: SBAppInstallationLog
Mar 28 13:24:52 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: Loaded logger: SBIconLog
Mar 28 13:24:52 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: Loaded logger: SBWorkspaceLogging
Mar 28 13:24:52 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: *** error reading settings archive file: <SBRootSettings: /var/mobile/Documents/com.apple.springboard.settings/RootSettings.plist>
Mar 28 13:24:53 Alberts-iPhone backboardd[41759]: -[BKSystemAppSentinel lock_notePresenceOfSystemApp:] Now monitoring "com.apple.SpringBoard"
Mar 28 13:24:53 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: *** error reading settings archive file: <SBRootSettings: /var/mobile/Documents/com.apple.springboard.settings/RootSettings.previous.plist>
Mar 28 13:24:57 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: Unable to locate class for SBIconClass key iCaughtUPro for com.itaysoft.icaughtuproapp
Mar 28 13:24:57 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:200: string SBNonDefaultSystemAppTag is not a valid gestalt question
Mar 28 13:24:57 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:200: string hidden is not a valid gestalt question
Mar 28 13:24:57 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:835: any-telephony is static and will never generate a notification
Mar 28 13:24:57 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:835: magnetometer is static and will never generate a notification
Mar 28 13:24:57 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:835: still-camera is static and will never generate a notification
Mar 28 13:24:57 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:835: stand-alone-contacts is static and will never generate a notification
Mar 28 13:24:57 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:835: nike-ipod is static and will never generate a notification
Mar 28 13:24:57 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: BTM: attaching to BTServer
Mar 28 13:24:58 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: lockdown says the device is: [Activated], state is 3
Mar 28 13:24:58 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: lockdown says we've previously registered: [1], state is 1
Mar 28 13:24:58 Alberts-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[42368]: connection 0x147d545e0 to daemon created
Mar 28 13:24:58 Alberts-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[42368]: listener connection 0x147d546f0 created
Mar 28 13:24:58 Alberts-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[42368]: client 0x147d54040 xpc send -> client create
Mar 28 13:24:58 Alberts-iPhone misd[42371]: MS:Notice: Injecting: (null) [misd] (847.21)
Mar 28 13:24:58 Alberts-iPhone misd[42371]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/libstatusbar.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:58 Alberts-iPhone misd[42371]: allowing special port forwarding for test fixtures
Mar 28 13:24:58 Alberts-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[42368]: client 0x147d54040 create xpc response received
Mar 28 13:24:58 Alberts-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[42368]: client 0x147d54040 xpc send -> destroy client
Mar 28 13:24:58 Alberts-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[42368]: client 0x147d54040 destroy xpc response received
Mar 28 13:24:58 Alberts-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[42368]: cleaning up connection 0x147d545e0 to daemon
Mar 28 13:24:58 Alberts-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[42368]: cleaning up listener connection 0x147d546f0
Mar 28 13:24:58 Alberts-iPhone com.apple.framework.netrb[42368]: releasing client 0x147d54040
Mar 28 13:24:58 Alberts-iPhone UserEventAgent[20]: LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification: com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status
Mar 28 13:24:58 Alberts-iPhone CloudKeychainProxy[39094]: event -[UbiqitousKVSProxy keybagDidLock] <LB------->
Mar 28 13:24:58 Alberts-iPhone kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 1
Mar 28 13:24:59 Alberts-iPhone SpringBoard[42368]: Using your own bundle identifier as an NSUserDefaults suite name does not make sense and will not work. Break on _NSUserDefaults_Log_Nonsensical_Suites to find this
Mar 28 13:24:59 Alberts-iPhone vsassetd[42373]: MS:Notice: Injecting: (null) [vsassetd] (847.21)
Mar 28 13:24:59 Alberts-iPhone vsassetd[42373]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/GRDocumentImportRedirect.dylib
Mar 28 13:24:59 Alberts-iPhone vsassetd[42373]: MS:Error: dlopen(/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/GRDocumentImportRedirect.dylib, 9): no suitable image found. Did find:
Mar 28 13:24:59 Alberts-iPhone vsassetd[42373]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/libstatusbar.dylib

If anyone can find out, thank you!
Could you explain exactly what is happening. Those reports are useless to most of us. Are apps crashing? Is your phone turning off like in a reset? Explain.
Could you explain exactly what is happening. Those reports are useless to most of us. Are apps crashing? Is your phone turning off like in a reset? Explain.

My phone is just resetting and entering Safe Mode. I'm using a iPhone 5s iOS 7.0.6
I'm not jailbroken, and am not that familiar with it. Maybe someone else can help.
Can you provide an AppInfo export as well as Crash reports from Settings > About >Diagnostics & Usage. Not all of them , but open the crash report that matches the timestamp of your crashes, and paste the first 30-40 lines of it.

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Seems like u need new iPhone if it crashes too often :) I got my iPhone 5c few months ago it is nice phone I ever had for first time over android phone it is long story

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I uninstall all my jailbreak apps put them back in one by one and I was fine

Sent from my gold 5s using Tapatalk

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