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Dec 22, 2010
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Continuing to have WiFi drops. Have tried all of the fixes that have been posted around the net, nothing works. They have a POS phone with all these bells and whistles that 75% of the users will never use, but a BASIC 'must have' feature like WiFi sucks. I wish to hell I never bought it and still had my ancient IP 4....it worked all the time! Having to turn off WiFi all day off/on, off/on, off/on is a pain. Apps won't load/upgrade completely unless on LTE. There are many users having these same WiFi issues....come on APPLE, tighten this beast up and get this train back on the tracks! Also getting AT&T messages about going over data plan because of this crap. Not a happy camper at this point.....thanks for the vent boys and girls!!! :confused::confused::confused:

Thread name modified - col.bris , Administrator
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Welcome I understand your frustrations however what you are saying does not apply to millions of others whom have purchased iphone 6 and plus. I am also modifying your thread name as It is your opinion only and frankly it is over the top

I suggest first up if you have not done a restore on your computer then do so. I will also state you need to check the wifi at another location other than your home. It is quite possible your modem is used by date. Finally if you are still not happy exchange it with Apple. It is that simple.
Welcome I understand your frustrations however what you are saying does not apply to millions of others whom have purchased iphone 6 and plus. I am also modifying your thread name as It is your opinion only and frankly it is over the top

I suggest first up if you have not done a restore on your computer then do so. I will also state you need to check the wifi at another location other than your home. It is quite possible your modem is used by date. Finally if you are still not happy exchange it with Apple. It is that simple.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
You are correct, it is indeed my opinion, however if you will monitor other forums, etc. you will note that my experience is quite common and that it could indeed affect millions. As stated in my original post, I have tried every conceivable 'fix' for this condition as have many others I have discussed this with in person including the ones you have suggested including going to the expense of buying a new router. If this was an airplane, I would not fly it. APPLE has a great reputation and in time this glitch will be addressed, no doubt, but in the mean time it is incredibly frustrating.
Go online to the Apple tech support or go to one of the Apple stores. I had cellular and wifi issues and the Apple tech fixed all that through my computer.
I still have a crashing issue so I feel your pain but it's a new device with new software so some issues are to be expected.
You are correct, it is indeed my opinion, however if you will monitor other forums, etc. you will note that my experience is quite common and that it could indeed affect millions. As stated in my original post, I have tried every conceivable 'fix' for this condition as have many others I have discussed this with in person including the ones you have suggested including going to the expense of buying a new router. If this was an airplane, I would not fly it. APPLE has a great reputation and in time this glitch will be addressed, no doubt, but in the mean time it is incredibly frustrating.
Give Apple a ring and see if they can help, Remember that with your new iPhone you get 90 days of free phone support.
Amazing how most people don't think through...

People are far more apt to report/post problems than that a product or device "works". Indeed, if each unique post on this problem represents typical reporting rates, then it is highly doubtful there are millions affected.

Also, there are numerous possibilities with wifi issues. I'm not accusing the OP of knee-jerk posting, but many do. And most will post complaints before serious troubleshooting.

I repeat what has already been said- if it isn't working, go swap it out. That's what the warranty is for.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I must be in the minority because my WiFi works perfectly. Oh well. I'm a lucky Man!

Now, if I was 1 of a million others, I'd probably just take it back to Apple and have them fix/replace it for free as it's covered for the first year. Oh wait. I bought Apple Care just in case this happens in 2 years, so I'm covered for up to 3 years.

Yup. If I was 1 out of a million others, I'd definitely take it to Apple.
I have tons of WiFi and cellular issues so I've made an appointment at the Apple Store for this weekend.

Sent from my iPhone
If you are on wifi with a 5k signal that will be your problem most likely. Try it on 2.4 and it should work

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
What wifi issues are you having and also have you tried other wifi locations?
WiFi and cell signal keep dropping off. WiFi also fails to auto connect about 40% of the time when I wake my phone up. Have to keep toggling WiFi to get it back. And have to keep toggling Airplane mode to get cell signal back. Have tried absolutely everything. It's not a router issue as it happens on different networks and other phones around me do not have the same problems even on the same connections.

Sent from my iPhone
If you are on wifi with a 5k signal that will be your problem most likely. Try it on 2.4 and it should work

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I believe all our WiFi in the UK is 2.4GHz

Sent from my iPhone
I must be in the minority because my WiFi works perfectly. Oh well. I'm a lucky Man!

Now, if I was 1 of a million others, I'd probably just take it back to Apple and have them fix/replace it for free as it's covered for the first year. Oh wait. I bought Apple Care just in case this happens in 2 years, so I'm covered for up to 3 years.

Yup. If I was 1 out of a million others, I'd definitely take it to Apple.
Not knocking the original poster, but this post speaks for me in every way.

iPhone 6 Plus