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iPhone 6 Preorders Are Possible Right Now, but Utterly Ridiculous


Editor in Chief
Jul 27, 2011
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Here's a shocking bit of news for iPhone fans today. It's actually possible to preorder the iPhone 6 right now, but it isn't through Apple or any carrier. On top of this, you will have to pay an arm and a leg (and a foot, and a nose, and both eyes and more, etc.) for the privilege. A company called Falcon Luxury is offering preorders on their own rebranded version of the iPhone 6.

These will be actual, official Apple products, but simply rebadged and rebuilt to meet the Falcon Luxury brand aesthetic. You see, Falcon Luxury revamps the iPhone by decking it out with precious metals and jewels. Their Bespoke and SuperNova iPhone 6 collections can be preordered for a starting price of $1,650,000. (Yes, that is roughly $1.6 Million USD). This starting amount will net you a platinum black diamond-encrusted iPhone 6.

Of course, it you have even more money to burn, you can opt for the highest end Falcon Luxury iPhone 6 which includes a rare pink diamond. This device will only set you back a cool $48.5 million. It's almost hard to believe that there are folks who live in a world where it's possible to take advantage of this offer, but it is a strange world we live in.

I guess if you opted for the top of the line from this company, you could easily argue that you own the most expensive iPhone in existence and you would be right.

Feel free to pick your jaw up off the ground now from these utterly ridiculous prices and post your comments about them below.

Source: FalconLuxury